Four Natural Ways to Get Your Home Sparkling Clean for the Holiday Season

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Spring is not the only time of the year when you need to whip out your mops and sponges: the holiday season is upon us and there is a lot to clean in your house before your family comes over and silently judges your dusty fan blades.

A clean house should not cost us a healthy environment, however, and by using natural products like Schmierseife, which is an all-natural, biodegradable soap from Germany, you can clean your house without harming the environment with harsh chemicals.

Christmas home

Using eco-friendly cleaning products has never been more important, and luckily it has never been easier. Whether you are going to make your own solutions or purchase them at your local store, natural cleaning is going to make your home spotless this holiday season.

Here are some options for cleaning your home with natural cleaning products!

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Sometimes, life gets messy. This is where the all-purpose cleaner comes in. Most homes already have an all-purpose cleaner, but it is likely filled with harmful chemicals that are not good for your family or for the environment.

Christmas home

By making your own all-purpose cleaner, you can save money and the environment. All you need is:

  1. A large spray bottle
  2. One cup of white vinegar
  3. One tablespoon of baking soda
  4. One cup of water
  5. A couple of drops of the essential oil of your choice

Not only is this easy and cheap, but it also gives you the opportunity to create a cleaning product that fills your house with the aroma of your choice and not the smell of harsh chemicals.

This all-purpose cleaner will allow you to have peace of mind, and it is also tough on messes.

Christmas home

Cleaning Tile or Wood

It is likely that most of your cleaning solution will be used on the floor of your home. With so much surface area, it is important that what you are putting on your floor is safe for your family and eco-friendly as well.

For this solution, all that you need is a mop bucket, water, white vinegar, and some essential oils if you are not a big fan of your house smelling like vinegar when the extended family comes over.

Knowing what you are putting on your hardwood floors is very important and will prevent future damage. Your family spends so much of their time on your floors, so make sure that what you are using is safe for them.

Christmas home

Say Goodbye to Windex

We all know the blue mixture in the bottle that burns your nose if you get too close. Ditch the harsh chemicals and make your own window and glass surface cleaner.

All that you need is rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, cornstarch, warm water, cloth (to wipe down the surface), and a spray bottle. Combining all these ingredients will give you a cleaner worthy of allowing your mother-in-law in the bathroom during the holidays.

Other Store-Bought Options

If you want to use natural cleaners but do not really have the energy to make your own, there are always natural options for cleaners that you can purchase instead of make.

The options are plentiful, and most can be found in stores for cheap. Things like Mrs. Myers Multi-Surface Cleaner, which is conveniently peppermint-scented for the holidays, are less than four dollars a bottle.

Another option is to go online and search for the cleaner that is right for you. A lot of cleaning solutions are from other countries, but they could be the right option for you. For example, Schmierseife is completely biodegradable.

Using natural cleaners will be the most important choice that you make this holiday season. It will keep your family safe and healthy, your house cleaner than ever, and will protect the earth that we live on.

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