Heading on a Summer Trip? Protect Your Home With These Tips

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Are you thinking of leaving your home behind on a summer vacation? Whether you’re heading to the beach or another exotic destination, make sure your home is in the same state you left it when you return. Failing to take the right steps before you leave might leave your home vulnerable to not only crime but also damage.

Let’s face it. We can’t always get a housesitter to watch over our homes 24/7 when we’re away. Make sure you can focus on fun and relaxation during your trip instead of worrying about what’s going on back home with these tips.

1. Don’t Advertise Your Trip

While this can be hard in the age of Instagram and Facebook, don’t publicize your travel plans. Criminals are always looking for easy targets, and if they know you’re away from home, your home becomes just that. Make sure your travel posts are only visible to friends and family. This is a great time to put a security lock on your accounts.

Just think of how many travel photos you can post once you’re home. If you must post some things at home, make sure your home has some kind of security system or that it’s being watched by a friend, neighbor, or housesitter. A startling 66% of the 2.5 million burglaries that happen each year are home break-ins. Don’t let your home become another statistic.

2. Unplug Your Electronics

We all know how important it is to protect electricity when you’re at home, but what about when you’re not at home? Electronics still use energy when they’re plugged in even if they’re not in use. That’s not something you want to add to your electric bill.

In addition, having your electronics plugged in poses a hazard. These devices could be fried if there’s a power surge, or they could cause an electrical fire. It’s better to unplug everything before you leave.

3. Shut Off Your Water

While we usually hear about what you need to do to protect your plumbing in the wintertime, the same applies for the summer. While your pipes won’t freeze over, they’re still at risk of big damage while you’re away. A pipe could burst, flooding your entire home, or you could end up wasting large amounts of water.

The best thing to do is to turn off your water main before a trip to limit any problems. If you’re not sure the best steps to take for your home, the leading plumber Inner West recommends talking to a professional.

4. Add Smart Lights

Once again, you want to give the illusion that the home isn’t empty at all. Whether you live in a home or an apartment, you want to simulate the appearance of a human. Basically, if someone’s in your home, it’s much less likely to be targeted for any reason. Smart lighting systems are the best way to do this since you can preprogram lights to turn on or even adjust appliances remotely.

5. Hide Your Valuables

Last but not least, make sure you don’t have any valuables sitting in plain sight. These might seem harmless, but privacy is important when you’re not at home. Close any blinds or curtains that could let outsiders see inside and put any valuables in closets or away from prying eyes. If you can, hide things like credit cards, jewelry, and more in a safe.

Keep Your Home Safe

Leaving for the summer is a great way to relax and unwind, but you want your home to stay secure while you’re away. From keeping your plans off the internet to taking some protocols into your own hands, there’s a lot you can do to keep your home safe.

Make sure you have a plan in place before your next trip. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to worry about these things. For the time being, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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