How to Add Colors To Your Work-From-Home Space?

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Of late, more and more professionals are favoring remote and flexible working hours. This is why working from home has gained so much popularity.  Maybe you are getting bored in your dull home office and eager to infuse it with colors. Here are some decorating information that can make your work-from-home space bright and colorful.

Work-From-Home Space

Paint the walls to spruce up the home office

Colors have an immense psychological effect on humans. Colors like red and orange be able to make a place bubbling with energy. Blue and green shades make a place calming and harmonious. Which color will be most suited depends on the work performed.  

It is always better to paint your favorite colors in the home office. However, you can also opt for a neutral shade for the walls. This works as a nice background for other elements and makes the space colorful.

Work-From-Home Space

Add color through drapes

Color is the essence of home office decoration. If it is not possible to paint the walls, you can add colors through drapes and curtains.  The rule of thumb for this is to make the drapes the shining star of the room.

These are now available in plenty of fabric variants and with bold colors and prints. If you are starting anew, you can get anything. For revamping an existing setup, choose something that matches with the wall color. This will make the home office graceful.

Include a colorful art piece

Blank walls make a place dull and drab.  Hang some artworks on the wall. These should be at the eye level so that you can often have a glimpse. They could be anything from a fun calendar, to scenery to paintings.

Work-From-Home Space

Plenty of colorful artworks are also available in the local market. You can use anything for your home office. Place a colorful feature board on the desk and lean it against the wall. This will also make the home office pop with color. This is ideal for a rented place as the color of the board can be changed easily.

Work-From-Home Space

Consider the window treatments

Your home office space is much beyond the walls and the ceiling. So, it has to be made colorful for inducing creativity. Window treatments are very vital for sprucing up a home office. These let you have a view while maintaining privacy.

These are available in a myriad of attractive designs and colors. Get one that matches your decoration theme and have a fantastic home office.

Work-From-Home Space

Shower with light

Showering the home office with light is a great idea to spruce it up.  Make sure that there is enough illumination to prevent straining of the eyes. Good lighting also makes everything easily visible and lifts up the atmosphere. If you have a separate room for your home office, then start with ambient lighting. Better get indirect lighting to create a professional look.

Work-From-Home Space

In case you are using a corner for your home office, emphasize on the task lighting. Decorative table lamps are available in many shapes and colors. Consider having them on the desk for gracing with colors. Adding a colorful vase in the home office also helps.

Have colorful furniture

Furniture, especially the chair and the desk can make a home office pop. Better use ergonomic furniture. They help to keep the posture right. These are available in varieties of bold designs and colors. Get one that you like most.

Maybe you already have wooden furniture. Never mind! Paint the chair and table in your favorite color. Remember to make the chair dark and the desk light. Other than adding colors, this will also create a feeling of more space.

Work-From-Home Space

Upgrade with accessories

Get the pens, folders, staplers and other office accessories in your theme color. Replace the traditional yellow sticky notes and get them in fun colors and shapes. Unless you are going for the most professional look, include colorful homey accessories.

Work-From-Home Space

Use a colorful coffee mug as your pencil holder. You may also have cute clips for managing the cords on the desk. Hanging a family photo also uplifts the place. Although these are little things, they can make a unique colorful impact.

Think horizontally and vertically

Include some smart storage to keep your desk free form clutters. The problem with a large amount home offices is that they suffer from space crunch. So, why not organize the things vertically? Build floating shelves on the wall. This will serve as storage and also for displaying the collectibles. Paint these in matching colors with the walls. It will elevate the place.

Work-From-Home Space

Go green

Trees and plants can bring in a fantastic ambiance in the home office. No matter if it is a small corner or spacious room, they can make it inspiring. In this respect decorating with silk plants is a thoughtful choice. Unlike the live plants, these are zero maintenance products and hence, a better option.

Work-From-Home Space

Among all the fake botanical products, the hedges hold a prominent place. These are available as artificial boxwood hedge, mat, screen, roll, topiaries etc. You can place a fake topiary by the window, or in the corner. They are available in many forms like balls, cones, spirals, and others.  

Work-From-Home Space

Using the artificial green wall in the home office is a great idea. This can be used as a divider or for creating an accent wall. Available in a plenty of foliage varieties, they can take the home office to the next level.

These most realistic artificial plants are crafted by expert professionals from premium quality raw materials. Being stunningly realistic they add charm to the interior.  Using these you must not worry about fading as these have UV blocking agents. Also being fire-retardant, they deliver you a safe working environment.


Working from home eliminates the commuting time and lets you enjoy more family time. But if the home office space is not warm and inviting, working becomes a tiring job. Try the above ideas in your home office. They can make the space colorful without overwhelming it.

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