Interior Design Trade Fairs And Exhibitions – Why to visit?

Interior Design Trade Fairs And Exhibitions – Why to visit?

Yesterday I visited one of the biggest trade fairs in Azerbaijan – BakuBuild 2012. Due to the construction boom in the country, this event attracts every year more and more participants. Exhibitors covered different areas of Building & Construction sector: flooring, roofing, finishing materials, doors, tiles, furniture, etc. One can ask: ” Is it necessary…

Oriental rug - buying guide

Azerbaijani Carpets: 9 Things You Need To Know About Them Before Buying

Azerbaijani carpets are well-known all over the world for their quality and high artistic value. This carpet can become a wonderful investment for your house: it will serve for several centuries and not only will lose its colours and attractiveness but will become even more valuable and expansive. However to buy a really quality piece…

Copper Artisans of Caucasus

Copper Artisans of Caucasus

Yesterday we made an exciting trip to Azerbaijani village named Lahic. Located on the southern mountain slopes of Caucasus this place is well-known for its handicrafts especially copper items production. Lahic was established in the IV century and since then traditions of copper craft were passed from generation to generation. The road to Lahic is…


Азбука тканей – от А до Я

На сегодняшний день ассортимент разнообразных тканей огромен. Если Вы хотите разобраться в свойствах различных текстилей, узнать как за ними ухаживать и какой материал подходит лучше для той или иной цели в декорировании интерьера, то эта статья для Вас. Акрил Прочная, теплая ткань, с мягкой текстурой. Уход: акриловые ткани лучше стирать в домашних условиях. Они имеют…


I raised my head and saw the magic…Fine architecture of Baku

Walking through the old streets of Baku can be so much fascinating. Having equipped myself with my favorite Leica I made a very long and so much exciting walk today. Personally for me the fairy Art Nouveau buildings of Baku’s architecture are the most beautiful and interesting part of it. Sometimes I was feeling myself…