How to Take Care of Your Latex Mattress for a Long-Lasting Mattress Lifetime

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Natural latex is resistant to allergens, durable, and supremely comfortable, putting the Essentia latex mattress in high demand. While latex mattresses are easy to keep clean, they still require a little upkeep to stay in optimal condition. Thankfully, this maintenance does not require a lot of energy or money.

Use a removable mattress cover

You might be shocked to discover what could be dwelling in your mattress. Dust, sweat, odors, and spills can penetrate the surface and destroy the core mattress composition over time. Use a quality mattress cover to block these common irritants at the surface. If your mattress does not come with a removable cover, you must begin using one as soon as possible. 

An ideal cover fully encases the mattress in a breathable waterproof fabric. Promptly remove and launder the cover after spills. If your mattress cover is non-washable, be sure to spot clean it, then cure it by hanging it out in the sun. 

Spot clean when necessary 

Accidents happen, but you should spot clean your mattress immediately if a spill occurs. Stains can cause your mattress core to deteriorate if allowed to set in. Using a damp cloth, gently rub the affected area to eliminate the stains. 

Add a small amount of laundry detergent for stubborn stains. Be sure the mattress is fully dry before reapplying linens. Remember not to expose your mattress’s surface to direct sunlight for drying because it will cause the material to oxidize.

Additionally, you can vacuum your mattress every 2-3 months to keep allergens and irritants at bay.

Regularly rotate and flip your mattress

Continuous pressure in the same place causes unequal wear and eventually creates uncomfortable lumps and dips on the sleep surface of the mattress. Rotating your mattress every six months will help equally distribute pressure across the entire mattress surface. To rotate your mattress, pivot it 180 degrees until what was once the foot of the bed becomes the head of the bed. 

Another step you can take is to flip your mattress. Flipping the mattress will ensure that each side receives even body pressure. To flip your mattress, lift one side and lower it to the opposite side. Now, you will be sleeping on what was the underside of your mattress. As with rotating the mattress, you only need to perform this task every six months or a little more. 

Promote good air circulation

Latex is an open-cell structure, making it a naturally breathable material. One way to enhance air circulation is to avoid placing your mattress on a solid surface. Opting for a slat system base allows continual airflow to reach the mattress. The free flow of air discourages the buildup of dust and dirt and prolongs the life of your mattress.  

If your old mattress has been around for a while, it might be time to invest in a new mattress and start the cycle over. 

Final words 

Practical care of your latex mattress is not time-consuming or complicated. With minimal effort and attention, you can easily maintain your mattress for comfortable and supportive sleep for years to come. 

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