How Not To Get Distracted By The Phone When Studying

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By now we are used to having the cell phone always at hand, but if we are not careful, we risk compromising our performance on the books! Precisely for this reason in today’s article, we discover how not to be distracted by the phone when studying.

The real problem, if we want to call it that, is that we now live so much in symbiosis with our digital devices that, more often than not, we are unable to put them aside and we find ourselves inundated with notifications and distractions even when our concentration should be of all dedicated to studying.

Today let’s see how to get around the problem and let’s find out together how not to get distracted by the phone when studying.

Study Plan

Surely the mobile phone, tablet, and PC, with their constant stimuli, are a great source of distraction; but before going to stem the “mechanical” cause, we must put some pieces at the base of the problem and that is the organization!

In fact, if you don’t have a specific study plan to follow, you are far more likely to end up getting distracted every 10 minutes. Having the study organized has countless benefits! To begin with, making a plan based on the time you have to prepare for your exam or question gives you the mathematical certainty of reaching the deadline with the completed program. Furthermore, having a roadmap to follow day by day makes the study seem less mammoth and easier to carry out, with small daily goals to be achieved.

If, on the other hand, you sit there and open the book without knowing what to study and for how long to study, well… you won’t go very far! Or rather, the only thing going far will be your mind, which will find itself thinking intensely about that hilarious trend of TikTok. The first thing to do therefore is to create a nice study plan, you can go and read this article that talks about the planning of university exams. And just in case you miss something, always have a plan B like an essay writing service that might help you out when you’ll be late with handing in another essay.  Such services have trained professionals for creating the best quality essays fast, so you shouldn’t be worried about that. 

Schedule The Breaks

We often tend to think that the best way to study well and find concentration is to lock yourself in a bunker, isolate yourself, and do 3, 4, 5-hour study sessions without ever lifting your head from the books.

It is very important to periodically intersperse the study with moments of pause and leisure because it is normal for the attention curve to plummet after a while. So, if you continue undeterred to study beyond certain times, maybe you also understand what you are reading, but you don’t learn a fig.

The strategy to keep the attention threshold high is to give the brain moments of breath. The best way to correctly dose study and breaks is to follow the study cycles. The knowledge that you don’t have to wait long before you can take a little break, makes you hold on and maximize your attention!

How Not To Get Distracted By Your Phone When Studying!

After the two broad premises relating to how to organize the study to minimize inattentiveness, it is time to talk about the core of today’s problem. We are talking about him, the infamous phone, which with all the notifications of him is the main cause of distraction.

Now, someone might tell you to put it in “do not disturb” mode, leave it in another room, or even turn it off and forget about it for as long as you are in the books.

However, if you are reading this article, on the one hand, the “do not disturb” mode is obviously not enough for you; on the other hand, everyone may have their own good reasons for wanting to keep the phone close at hand and switched on. The point is not to eliminate the problem and turn off the phone, but to turn it into a useful tool. 

If You Can’t Beat Them Join Them 

It may seem counterproductive to think of fighting the distraction generated by the phone by using apps for the smartphone, but in the end, it is not so absurd. Just think that nowadays we are looking for apps to solve all kinds of problems.

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