A Step-By-Step Guide On Writing Essays For The College Students Who Want To Write their Essays

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Writing essays can be frustrating and challenging, especially if you’re not used to it. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay that will help you with everything from the initial topic selection to the actual writing itself, so that you can have the best possible result when it comes time to hand in your work!


Be sure to come up with several ideas before getting started on an essay. When brainstorming, write anything that comes to mind, even if it’s unrelated to your topic. It’s a good idea to spend time away from your computer when brainstorming—that way you don’t start editing as soon as you begin writing. Taking notes by hand or recording thoughts into your phone can help you get different perspectives on topics and will allow for more creative ideas later on in your essay writing process. You may also want to consider keeping a journal where you can jot down any random thoughts about your topic throughout the day.

Create an Outline

Before diving into your actual essay, it’s a good idea to create an outline. Start with an introductory paragraph that briefly explains what you’re going to say. You might also want to include some brief bullet points of what you plan on including in each body paragraph; these can serve as a reminder once you get started writing. It may sound like overkill now, but when you’re staring at a blank page or screen and have no idea where to start, having an outline will help keep things straight. It may not be pretty, but it provides me with structure whenever I write my essay—and sometimes that’s all we need.

Introduction Paragraph

This paragraph is short, catchy and informs readers about what your essay will be about. This also serves as a hook to grab your reader’s attention by telling them that you are going to teach them how to write an essay. But it needs to be professional enough so that people read on. It should not be too long because then they might lose interest in reading further. So keep it around 3 lines or less if possible. If possible mention why students need to learn how to write essays and use a few examples of students who struggled with writing essays but after reading your guide they were able to improve their grades significantly. 

Use bullet points if possible so that it looks attractive. Don’t use more than 4 bullets because too many bullets can distract from your message. After all, you want them to finish reading it till end instead of losing interest half way through! You can also use some quotes from other experts or influencers in your field if possible which will make things look even more convincing for people reading your guide for the first time!

Body Paragraph 1

The topic sentence should state your thesis, which is your argument or claim. A well-constructed thesis can be a half-sentence or even a whole sentence. Although you’ll likely use only one main idea in your paper, it may take more than one main supporting idea to make your point. In addition to providing evidence for that point of view, including at least two other ideas suggests that you have considered all sides of an issue and can support your claim. However, don’t include so many points that you overwhelm your reader. Most papers require three to five main points. These are called body paragraphs because they provide evidence and analysis of each main point.

Conclusion Paragraph

Many students are apprehensive about writing essays. All that pressure, coupled with feelings of inadequacy makes it hard to focus on essay writing. This is what we have to say about all that – stop procrastinating, pick a topic and make an outline. After you’ve done those two things, sit down and write it up! We are confident that after you read our guide on how to write an essay, you will want to do nothing but write them every chance you get.

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