Top Indoor Plants And How To Care Of Them

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Many people find caring for indoor plants challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Find the right plants for your needs and schedule. First, you must determine where you will keep your plants and how much time you can dedicate to them. Here are the top indoor plants to choose from, along with instructions on how to take care of them.


Due to their undemanding nature, cacti are perfect for beginners – as well as anyone with a busy schedule. Like most succulents, these prickly plants can easily go for several months without getting water. During the summer, water them as needed, depending on how much sunlight they are getting. Don’t worry, they can tolerate a lot, so feel free to keep them exposed.


Ferns are great to keep indoors because they love shaded and cool environments, especially during the warmer months. When the weather is colder, you don’t have to shield them from the sun and you can even add artificial light to help them maintain their color. The topsoil should be kept moist at all times. Otherwise, the leaves will become frail and dry.

Snake Plant

With its large, upright, patterned leaves, the snake plant can serve as unique decor elements for homes and offices spaces alike. Due to its structure, it can survive for up to a month without any water. According to Australia-based Frenchams, this plant has the potential to transform any dull space into a cheerful and vibrant environment. The snake plant needs to be kept in a bright spot to flower.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has been long renowned for its various medicinal properties, from treating minor burns to alleviating symptoms of stress. While it’s similar to cacti, it requires a little more care. Its soil needs to be kept damp even during winter. Aloe vera thrives in a bright spot, but its leaves might shrivel if exposed to direct sunlight.

Peace lily

Peace lily has the ability to clean the atmosphere and prevent the air in closed spaces from becoming stale and stagnant even during the long winter months. It should be kept away from direct sunlight and should only be watered when its soil feels completely dry. Removing the faded white blooms encourages the plant to grow new ones.

Rubber Plant

Different varieties of rubber plants have shiny, deep green, reddish, or brown-black leaves, all of which are highly decorative. They thrive in room temperatures but can tolerate slightly cooler environments as well. Exposing them to hot temperatures and direct sunlight causes the leaves to fall. Make sure to only water them when their soils feel dry and drain any excess water when doing so.

While all these plants are easy to keep indoors, they all have unique needs. If you are going to maintain them yourself, it’s a good idea to do some research before making your purchase. This way, if you have a busy schedule, you will know to opt for a low-maintenance variety. Or, you can always hire plant rental services that offer regular upkeep and good care for your greeneries.

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