Decorating Your Home – Get A High End Look Without The High End Price

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Home decor is something that can be tricky to get right. Oftentimes the high prices associated with pushing for a beautiful living space can put people off the idea of redecorating altogether. Even if money isn’t an issue, unless you’re a full time interior decorator, you’re probably going to be left scratching your head and wondering if you’re being overcharged for some of the items you might be considering. 

As such, we’ve compiled a list. This is a list of long lasting changes you should consider implementing that’re either cheap, worth the cost or outright free.

Approach Number 1 – Consider Minimalism

One of the biggest issues people face when it comes to squaring up an interior is clutter. It can be very tempting to just cram a lot of nice looking furniture, ornaments and other decorative pieces into one room and call it a day. You should think twice before you do this, though. 

Every new piece of furniture or decor will be designed and manufactured in a particular style. Unless you’re buying matching sets from the same manufacturer there’s bound to be small clashes in style. These can be unnoticeable at first, but as you accrue more items, the clashing styles will begin to become more obvious.

Approach Number 2 – Wall Decor

Wall decor can range pretty violently in terms of pricing. But one of the great things about wall decor is that so much of the stuff sitting in the low end of the price spectrum can still look great. Whether it’s something as simple as a clock, or a larger piece of artwork printed on a canvas. A handful of well placed pieces of wall decor can net a lot of personality to an otherwise bland room. Mirrors are a great choice too, as they can help increase the amount of natural lighting in an area. 

Approach Number 3 – Upgrade Your Radiators

One of the few constants across multiple rooms in your house is your radiator. Old, beaten down or rusty radiators are an absolute eyesore. You’ll note that even in professionally designed, rustic interiors the radiators are always nice. This isn’t a coincidence – they really can make that much of a difference. 

If you’re stumped on what to look for, vertical designer radiators normally come in so many different shapes and sizes that you’ll be able to find at least a couple of designs that compliment the look you’re going for. Trade radiators are a good resource, or you can also do a deep dive on youtube if you’d prefer to see a human talking about what you should look out for. Whether it’s extravagant or minimalist, you should take the time to consider how your choice fits in with your overall theme. 

Approach Number 4 – Vinyl Flooring

This is a bit of a controversial one. If you’ve got nice hardwood floors, you probably shouldn’t relive the mistakes that many of us made in the 1980s by covering them in vinyl. But if you have an otherwise unimpressive floor, vinyl can make a world of difference. It’s a lot cheaper than carpet, it’s easier to clean and you don’t need to pay a carpet fitter to come and install it.

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