Effective Hygiene Tips Men Can Learn From Women

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Personal hygiene is something most people learn during their childhood. However, as people grow older, they sometimes take less care of themselves and neglect their personal hygiene. Men, in particular, tend to neglect their personal hygiene a lot more than women. This can have numerous negative effects on the man’s health as well as their overall appeal. If you are trying to take better care of yourself, then here are some tips that you can learn from women on how to manage your personal hygiene. 

Cutting Nails

There is nothing less attractive than long dirty nails on a man. Not only do long fingers and toenails look horrible, but they can also collect a lot of dirt, which is never healthy for anyone. Women usually take good care of their nails and file them regularly to have them in an appropriate length. This is one lesson in hygiene that men can learn from women and easily do on a regular basis. Nobody is saying you have to go to a nail salon or get a mani-pedi. However, a simple weekly session of cutting your nails to an appropriate length and washing your hands constantly a few times a day to ensure no dirt is lodged inside the nail would do the trick. 

Washing Hair Regularly

When hair is not washed regularly, it can start forming grease that looks bad on anyone. It can also make the scalp quite itchy and even smelly. Most women have hair washing routines where they shower every day, but they only wash their hair three or four times a week to prevent damages to the follicles. Men should try to do the same and use an appropriate shampoo to make their hair shiny and smell nice. As seen on https://hairinsights.com/best-professional-hair-dryer/, it would also be preferable if, after washing your hair, you dry it using an electric dryer to ensure your hair is not soaking wet for a long time after walking out of the shower. It would also help in making your hair look fresh and shiny, which is always an attractive feature on a man. 


Using Deodorants and Perfumes

Women are known for almost always smelling nice. Men can try and take a page out of that book by investing in deodorants and perfumes so that they can smell nice and fresh for a long time. It is known that men often sweat more than women, and with that sweat comes a lot of unpleasant smells. Even if you shower every day, by using a spray deodorant or any long-lasting perfume, you can maintain that nice smell for hours on end without having to worry about sweaty smells. 

Changing Clothes Daily

You do not have to be fancy or own a hundred different outfits in order to be able to change what you wear on a daily basis. As long as you have at least two different outfits, make sure you change them every day and wash one while wearing the other. During the warmer months, in particular, people tend to sweat a lot, and it is absolutely essential that one washes everything they wear before reusing it twice in a row to remove any bodily odors. 

Brushing Teeth

Having a bad breath is a big turn off and a big sign of bad hygiene habits. A lot of the time, your bad breath could be caused by the fact that you do not brush your teeth every day. Neglecting your dental health would not only result in you having bad, repulsive breath, but it would also make your teeth yellow and unattractive. Women often come up with tricks to whiten their teeth after washing them twice a day in order to ensure they are always pearly white and pretty. As a man, you should try and do the same by at least brush your teeth more regularly for at least one minute each time. 


Taking care of your personal hygiene as a man would not only make you way more attractive, but it can also have a large impact on your overall health. Whether you are looking to impress a woman, or simply take better care of yourself, cleaning up on a daily basis is the key to perfect hygiene. Make sure you pay attention to small things like trimming your nails and washing your hair every couple of days, as this can make all the difference in the world. Remember to also invest in a couple of deodorants and perfumes to ensure you always smell nice on any occasion.

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