Design A Calm & Comfortable Room To Promote An Excellent Night Sleep

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Sleep – we need it to live, and to thrive. Yet, we often jeopardize its restorative qualities for work, laughing and drinking until the early hours, or binge-watching a new TV series when the skies have faded to black. But why? Sleep is not only compulsory as part of your beauty regime. It’s a necessity that gives you energy to wilfully jump into a new day, and avoid binge eating on comfort food that expands the waistline. Let’s promote an excellent night sleep.

Design A Calm & Comfortable Room To Promote An Excellent Nights Sleep

There are many reasons why we stay up late, but our bodies and minds are never satisfied with them. Apparently, we are the only mammals that actively resist sleep. All other species see the health benefits and importance of flowing with their innate circadian rhythms’ requirements for regular slumber. Instead, we compromise it and take it for granted. Not all of us, of course, but some of us most definitely do.

While we might have a whole concoction of reasons why we choose to delay sleeping, some of them meaningful – such as looking after a newborn, others not so much – like arguing with a spouse. It’s not unwarranted to think that your bedroom could be a driving factor behind less sleep too.

Where the bedroom is wrong, the whole house is wrong.

Margaret Kennedy

Interior is not just about making something look pretty, modern or luxurious, it’s about creating a feeling in a room. For the bedroom, positive, relaxing, calming, comforting vibes are needed to assist you off into the land of nod. If you’re ready to change one of the most important rooms in your home – you can find below crucial tips to ensure your bedroom is nothing other than a sanctuary and positive influence that draws you in to relax and rest. Let’s see what to do to promote an excellent night sleep.

Cleanse and Declutter To Promote An Excellent Night Sleep

A room pouring with belongings is one that’s difficult to relax in. After all, a cluttered space can irritate pre-existing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. With your room, take time to start fresh, and rid your sanctuary of anything that doesn’t serve a distinct purpose related to the only two things that should happen in your bedroom – intimacy and sleep.

Cleanse and Declutter
Picture by Monica Silvestre from Pexels – CC0 Licence

Physical clutter causes mental clutter, which activates the brain and negatively impacts sleep – Dr. Emerson Wickwire, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Start small, and segment belongings from a bedside drawer into a trash and donation pile. Or be bold and purge furnishings that do nothing for your space, but hold unwanted clutter. Horizontal surfaces of any kind in a room are destined for these things – piles of washing, a glass or two, and dust. For a cleaner, healthier, visually pleasing room, start cleansing your space. And if you don’t need all of your furnishings and don’t adore them, get rid of them. They’re only spoiling your room’s potential to emulate cool, calm vibes for a better night’s sleep.

A Beds Layers

Three little letters have a phenomenal responsibility in supporting you, your partner, your children, and even your dog on occasion each and every night over the years. But does the bed you once bought support your needs now? 

Before you consider a style of bed, and how to enhance and modernize your existing bed, you must first consider the practicalities of purchasing something that supports your health conditions. Such as backaches, hip pain, arthritis, and so forth. A mattress is an investment for the present and future you should enjoy every night. If your bed doesn’t lure you into leaping onto it every time you see it, it’s time for a new one – preferably, the bigger, the better.

A Beds Layers

The sheets you choose are the next essential layer that either upgrades your sleeping arrangement or turns it down a level. Don’t be a stranger to luxury in your room. Debate between heating pad vs heating blanket, swoon over high thread count sheets and admire those silk throw cushions. Each layer you add creates another subtle impact in your room that adds to the bigger picture of creating a comfortable cave for you to retreat.

Appreciating the intricate details of your mattress, sheets, duvet, and throw, will only add to its appeal when you retire to the bedroom. For decorative purposes, a headboard, such as a buttoned chesterfield style. Or alternatively, a floor standing, winged headboard, is sure to make your bed just that bit more alluring than it was before.


For your room to attract and help you initiate a good night’s sleep, strategic shades are essential to encourage peaceful slumber.

Promote An Excellent Night Sleep

Color shall indeed assist in setting the mood and tone in your home’s haven, the bedroom. Samples and patience are crucial for this step to determine what does and doesn’t work for you and the natural light in your room. While each color is thought to promote a set feeling, such as red stimulates aggressiveness and asserts attention, and white can appear cold and sterile, while this may be true for some – it’s not for all. You’re an individual who has drawn your own associations between colors and feelings. So think about what color scheme makes you feel calm and sleepy – and then work with those to design your space.

Promote An Excellent Night Sleep : Lighting

There isn’t any way you can mention designing a room conducive to sleep, without creating an atmosphere out of strategic lighting. It’s essential to create a mood and ambiance with one’s space by using soft and subtle lighting. 

Promote An Excellent Night Sleep : Bedroom Lighting

Be wary of blue light that emits from LED lighting as this is damaging for your sleep cycle – it tricks your body into believing it’s time to wake up. Instead, install dimmers so you can adjust the overhead glow to a level that is easier on the eyes. They shall come in handy, particularly as you’re winding down and practicing your usual nightly routine before sleep – such as yoga, reading, and beauty rituals.


Unplug your bedroom
Picture by Castorly Stock from Pexels – CC0 Licence

Other than clutter, another category of objects with no real purpose in the bedroom is televisions, laptops, digital alarm clocks, and yes, mobile phones. As mentioned above, exposure to blue light is counterproductive in aiding you to fall asleep. 

For a room that’s unlike any other in your home and a refuge for calm and relaxation after a long day. Cut digital distractions out of your room that delay the onset of one of the most significant components for a healthier you – a good night’s sleep. If you’re in your bedroom far too much to consider losing your TV privileges, consider installing a cabinet that you can close at night to shut your television away.

Feng Shui Promotes An Excellent Night Sleep

There’s something comforting and natural about placing the top of our bed up against a wall in the furthest point of the room away from the door. Apparently, this might have something to do with our ancient instincts to survive at night while in caves. With our feet facing the entryway, it ensures no one can creep from behind us. Who would want to go against an age-old ritual of placing the bed where we feel the safest? 

Feng Shui

Sometimes when redesigning your room, you don’t necessarily have to reinvent the wheel by thinking of somewhere outlandish to place your furnishings. However, having free space to walk around the bed is always practical. If you’re restricted to open space for good, calm relaxing energy to flow, consider point one and declutter some more.

Each interior design point mentioned above is directly linked to helping you not only view your room as a sanctuary but also to feel it so much that it makes you want to fall asleep as soon as you enter. 

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