Four Pool Maintenance Supplies You Need

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Every experienced pool owner knows that pools aren’t just about the construction and the water inside. A lot of other things are needed to keep this beautiful addition to your property into great shape, as well as to make it as functional and as enjoyable as possible. As the owner, it’s your responsibility to get all the pool maintenance supplies you need to keep things in order.

Four Pool Maintenance Supplies You Need

Getting the right pool supplies requires you to do some research. There are a lot of things on the market and you might not need all of those. There are also a lot of things you definitely need to buy. The trick is to get perfectly informed and choose the items that you will use. In case you still don’t know what the essential supplies are, let me share a few recommendations.

Water Testing Kits

Testing the water regularly is incredibly important for the maintenance of your pool. This is recommended to be done once a week. That’s why you absolutely need to stock up on water testing strips or similar kits. These allow you to check whether you need to add certain chemicals to the pool in order to prevent algae and other bacteria from moving in.

Water Testing Kits

There are all kinds of kits you can use for testing. Some are more accurate than others, some are more quick and easier to use, but they all essentially function in the same way. Whichever kit you choose, the most important thing is not to forget to use it. You want the water to stay safe and you’ll check its safety with the help of testing kits.


There is absolutely no way for your pool to stay clean and fresh if you don’t add certain chemicals to it. I know this might seem like a paradox, but the chemicals you will be adding serve to keep you safe and protected. Swimming in dirty water will definitely cause skin irritations and infections and sometimes even lead to more serious illnesses. As you can see on this page, different chemicals play different roles and it’s your responsibility to find the ones you need.

Pool Maintenance Chemicals

In case you are a new pool owner and you don’t know much about the various chemicals that you need to use, it’s best if you consult someone who has extensive experience with this. If you don’t have any friends to give you useful pieces of advice, you can always turn to manufacturers and suppliers. Their websites might give you useful insight and so can the staff.

Pool Maintenance Brushes

Have you ever thought that you would need to brush a pool? Although it might sound a bit unusual, it is definitely and absolutely necessary. You need to brush after adding chemicals or in order to remove stains and algae. This activity serves a very important function. It prevents etching, algae, stains, as well as scale.

Pool Maintenance Brushes

Once again, it’s recommended to do this once a week. Of course, you can’t just take the first thing that you come across and start brushing. You need a proper pool brush in order to do this correctly and perfectly. Make sure to find a high-quality one, so that it doesn’t get damaged after the first couple of uses. You cannot, however, expect it to last a lifetime, but the better the quality, the more durable it will be.

Here’s something to help you learn how to brush properly:

Automatic Cleaner

Now, this is something that might not be absolutely necessary, contrary to the supplies I have listed above. It will, however, make your life much easier. Automatic cleaners will save you a lot of time, nerves and effort, but also a lot of money if you look at the long term. These are the devices that will let you relax and not think too much about cleanliness.

Imagine yourself coming home from a long day at work and thinking about taking a dip. At that very moment, you remember that a good and detailed cleaning is due, which means that the dip is not going to happen. That’s the moment when you start hating having a pool. Automatic cleaners will allow you to never experience such a thing by keeping your pool spotless at all times.

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