4 Essential Tips to Maintain Your Swimming Pool Clean

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Having your own personal pool in your backyard can be one of the most liberating and fun additions to your home. The excitement, relaxation, and exercise potential are massive, not to mention the increase in home value. A pool is as much a responsibility as any other addition to your house however, you’ll have to take diligent in keeping the water clean and proper if you expect to get the most use out of it as possible.

These tips will help you accomplish just that:

  1. Check Pool Chemistry

Ideal pH for a swimming pool is something in the realm of 7.2 to 7.8. The pH of a pool controls how well chlorine is used to keep the water clean. At a higher pH, chlorine becomes less active so more is required. If you want your chlorine to be used as effectively as possible, keep your pH at the lower end of that range.

  1. Maintain The Proper Water Level

A pool isn’t much different from a hole in the ground without water, now is it? Besides that, there are other reasons to check your water level. Brand new swimming pools have their skimmer buckets placed at a certain height. These skimmer buckets function to collect debris before they can overpopulate the pool and sink to the bottom. If your water level is too high or too low, debris won’t be able to make its way into the skimmer.

  1. Clean Your Filter

A pool’s filter needs to be cleaned regularly as they work around the clock to keep water fresh and circulated. If you don’t keep your filter clean you’ll notice your water will begin to take on an unsightly color as well as be generally unsafe to swim in. Clean your filter every 4-6 months or after a particularly heavy storm to ensure it can function properly.

  1. Keep The Skimmer Bucket Clean

Your skimmer bucket will fill up on a weekly basis due to debris that can make its way into your pool. Everything from vegetation blown in by the wind to insects who have lost their lives in your pool will eventually find themselves in your skimmer bucket if they don’t sink to the bottom of your pool. Weekly cleaning is necessary due to the sheer volume of debris they tend to collect. This way, you won’t have the risk of debris slipping out of the bucket and back into your pool or a skimmer bucket filled to the brim with dead bugs.

With these four tips you’ll be able to enjoy crystal clear water and be the envy of the neighborhood with your pristine, well-maintained pool. Neglecting any of these tips will reduce the amount of time you’ll be spending enjoying the pool and increase the amount of time you’ll spend fixing your mistakes. If you act proactively keeping a pool in top-top condition is relatively easy, it is only when you become neglectful that it begins to become a chore. So, best of luck and I hope you enjoy yourself in your pool each and every year!

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