Are Macs Better Than PCs? 5 Reasons Why They Are

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While it’s true that a PC is more popular than a Mac, are Macs better than PCs ?

Ever since the two companies began, their users have been at war about which computer is better. Those who stand between the two sides either feel compelled to take a side or stay on neutral ground.

Are Macs Better Than PCs

We stand with Mac enthusiasts without a doubt. Yet, where others only say Macs are better than PCs, we can go deeper than that. Below, we listed down the top five of the many other reasons why Mac is better than PC.

1. A Mac Lasts for a Longer Time

Yes, it’s easy to say that Macs are expensive. However, a true comparison requires a deeper insight into why they have such high prices.

One reason why Mac is better than PC is that it’s of better quality and has more longevity.

There’s no doubt about it, Mac computers can stay with you for five to ten years or even longer. Apple manufactures products with a long-term plan in mind. Thus, it uses components for its hardware that they know can last for a long time.

A Mac Lasts for a Longer Time

Many smart consumers look at the long-term benefits of the items they buy. Consider the price of an item and then divide it by the number of years it’ll last you. You’ll see you get more value for a Mac that can last a decade while a PC that needs constant replacements or repairs.

It’s about making the choice that’s more money-wise. Business owners will find this advantage especially helpful. After all, it costs a lot to run a business and you want a computer that doesn’t add to that financial problem too often.

Also, it’s easy to find where to go if your Mac breaks down or encounters problems. When you need to get a Mac repaired, you know where to go. There are 272 Apple Stores scattered about in the US.

2. One Company Makes Both the Hardware and Software

How are Macs better than PCs when it comes to technicalities? Given that the company manufactures both the hardware and the software, Macs do very well. Let’s take a look at some hard examples to compare this type of work with.

The top restaurants have a maître d’ and a chef so it functions well. On an airplane, the crew that takes care of customers while the pilots fly them to their destinations.

One Company Makes Both the Hardware and Software

Likewise, computer hardware and software manufacturers must understand each other well.

Apple takes this up a notch by taking on the task of producing both the hardware and software of its computers. This means both the elements of Mac computers get realized to their optimal limits. The operating system gets developed with the equipment in mind and vice versa.

It creates a level of care and attention to detail that other brands can’t compete against. Because of this, Apple can add more features to its devices that others can’t. For example, you have the Hand-off and Sidecar features.

The Hand-off feature lets you create a document on your iPhone and finish it on your Mac without syncing the file to a cloud drive. The Sidecar feature lets you use your iPad as an interactive second screen.

3. MacOS Is Easier to Use and Is More Intuitive

Those who began with PC and then shifted to Mac find it difficult to shift back to PC. This is because of the intuitiveness of macOS. It’s easy to use and setup seconds after you take it out of the box.

The only technical thing you need to do first is to sign up and create an iCloud account in case you don’t have one yet. After that, you’re good to start working. Plus, because it uses an intuitive OS, it’s easy to find what you need and where.

Mac Is Easier to Use and Is More Intuitive

Unlike with Windows computers, you won’t need to do other configurations or software installations. That is unless you also need to download programs from the App Store to use on your Mac. In most cases, you likely already have everything you need for basic tasks built-in on a Mac computer.

You can customize it however you like to.

As they say, once you’re on Mac, it’s hard to go back.

4. It Has Great Integration With iOS

Let’s face it: Apple’s bread and butter lie on the iPhone and iPad. It’s why you see more teenagers using iPhones rather than Android phones. This doesn’t mean Apple isn’t stepping up its game for its computers.

Apple has something that other manufacturers of phones and computers don’t have. It has great integration between its various products.

Like we said earlier, Apple creates both the hardware and software for its products. Thus, it has more control over the things you can do with the devices. Unlike non-Apple products, you can do more than access the storage of the smartphone from the computer.

Great Integration With iOS

Where non-Apple smartphones and computers have little integration, Apple strengthens the ties between its Mac and iOS devices. Given that you have the latest macOS and iOS updates, you can do so much work on both devices.

Mac is better than PC because it’s part of an ecosystem. It’s what makes Apple devices so easy to use. Remember, people want convenience above all other things now.

5. Mac Has a Sleek Design Plus a High-End Look and Feel

Apple is a brand that understands the phrase “simplicity is beauty”. It uses timeless, sleek, minimalist designs that make their product seem so sophisticated. It’s also why many companies try to reproduce the clean lines and matte finishes.

Sleek Design

Today, many people go after items that give them a high-end vibe. Even if Apple sold its Macs for much cheaper, there’s no denying that the Mac design exudes high-end vibes. It’s most likely why many people also feel good when they’re using Mac computers.

6. Are Macs Better Than PCs?

So, let’s ask again: is Mac better than PC?

Yes, they are in all the best ways. They may not be the best for those who are working with a tight budget. However, they’re quality and valuable investments.

Are Macs Better Than PCs?

That’s it for our guide that answers the question, “are Macs better than PCs?”

If you were unsure before about buying a Mac, we hope we convinced you about its value and usefulness. If you want to see more content tackling the Mac advantage, check out our gadget section.

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