
Here’s Why Battery-Powered Lawnmowers Are Good for You and the Environment

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Gas lawnmowers are mini coal power plants. They produce more pollution than gas-powered cars. The EPA estimates that one gas-powered mower emits as much air pollution as 11 new cars in an hour.

electric lawnmowers

Who knew something like mowing the lawn could be so dangerous?

Well, this only applies if you use a gas-powered option. If you’re ready to get rid of your monster mower, a battery-powered mower should be your top choice. Not only are they better for the environment, but they will also have you on the battery-powered train forever. Here’s why you should make the switch:

Safe lawnmowers

Why They’re Good for You

When it comes to personal health, battery-powered lawnmowers have no competition. Gas lawnmowers emit fumes that can lead to cancer, asthma, and other health issues. The battery mowers are a great investment for your body. They are also a better choice for your wallet.

1.     Little to No Additional Costs

If you go gas, it might be cheaper at first. But there are so many little things that add up. In gas mowers there are sparkplugs, fuel filters, and other parts that break down. There is a need for constant oil and gas changes to ensure your machine still works.

Cost effective lawnmowers

With a battery-powered lawnmower, you don’t have to deal with any of the changing parts. The initial cost will be higher than a gas-powered lawnmower, and the only additional cost is an extra battery.

2.     No More Noisy Mornings

A huge downside of gas lawnmowers is the noise. You need to buy earplugs just to be able to mow your lawn. If you do it in the morning, the rest of the neighborhood hates you. If you wait until the afternoon, you’ll be exhausted after a long day at work. There’s never a good time to make that much noise.

Noiseless lawnmowers

Electric lawnmowers have a quiet purr. No more earplugs and no more hassle. You can mow your lawn whenever you want without having to worry.

3.     No Cord Pulling or Weight Lifting

The engine in a gas lawnmower makes it heavy. Workouts are best left to the gym. Lifting a lawnmower and dragging it around doesn’t seem like a fun time. Electric battery mowers are like carrying a larger-than-average toaster, they weight almost nothing.

No cord lawnmowers

No one wants to be stuck outside pulling and pulling on the mower cord hoping for it to work. With an electric mower, all it takes is a press of a button and you’re off.

Why They’re Good for the Environment

If you’re not convinced by the personal benefits, a battery-powered mower is also much better for the environment. Make sure you check out a Battery Powered Lawn Mower Buyers Guide online. They go into great detail about how green these mowers really are.

But here, let’s go over the basics:

1.     No Greenhouse Gas Emissions

No engine means no gas emissions. The air you breathe will be cleaner. You won’t have to wear a mask when cutting the grass. There is no disgusting gas burning smell with a battery-powered lawnmower.

No emmisions lawnmowers

2.     No Gasoline/Oil Leaks

Anything that needs gasoline and oil runs the potential of leaking. This could mean runoff in your lawn. Not only is that awful for your grass that could lead to poisoning your water supply.

No leaks mowers

A battery runs on electricity so there’s no risk of leaking. There is also no need to stock up on extra gas or oil. There goes the risk of fire.

Now that you have all these benefits, you should be ready to make the switch to battery power and use your dollars to promote green lawn care!

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