Tips on Choosing a Durable Sofa

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The sofa in your home is a massive piece of furniture that requires a bit of investment. To get your money’s worth, you want a durable sofa that will last for a long time. If you have kids that are prone to spills and accidents or if you have unruly pets, you’ll want materials that can withstand their use and abuse. Thankfully, there are many styles of wood, fabric, or leather sofas for sale online and in-store to choose from. If you happen to be in the market for a brand-new couch, consider the following tips so that you can find the most durable sofa for your home.


Pick One with a Good Bounce

One of the first signs of a good sofa is if it has a bounce to it. Good quality upholstered furniture is filled with quality foam materials that don’t cave easily. If you are in a store, go ahead and sit on the couch to see how it feels. You will feel it if the material is right. If you can, open zippers and do an actual visual inspection of the foam. If you are buying online, make sure that there is a guarantee. You also want a sensible return policy so you can send something back should you be given substandard materials. 


Inspect the Finishing Touches

A premium quality sofa has impeccable finishing touches. The stitching is consistent, and there are no loose threads that would fray suddenly. If there are wooden accents, these parts have a smooth and glossy finish that feels nice to touch. There would be no exposed screws that can cause injury. A durable sofa is something that is solidly made and doesn’t wobble when people relax on it. 

Consider the Lining Material 

The material of your chosen sofa is vital to its longevity. For instance, cotton, silk, and other fabrics are more prone to damages because of their nature. They can rip and tear over time, especially if you have fur babies that like to climb up them with their sharp paws. These fabrics also readily absorb spills and make stains. If your sofa is subject to heavy use, then pick a more durable material like leather, which you can promptly wipe off. Thankfully, there are many different styles of leather sofas for sale online.  


Durable Sofa : Choose a Forgiving Color

If you have kids that like to jump on couches, create nappy accidents, or wipe their fingers on your furniture, then you need a sofa in a dark-coloured material. The same holds true for those with pets that like to play around on the couch. A dark colour is more forgiving and won’t readily show unsightly messes compared to lighter coloured fabrics. The latter is harder to maintain, and they will discolour with time. 


Check for a Warranty

A good quality sofa will always come with a warranty from the manufacturers. Those who are confident that their products are dependable and well-made will not hesitate to offer a guarantee with any sofa purchase. With this, you can have the confidence to use your new couch because you know that you have got a premium product that won’t fall apart easily. 


Bottom Line Before you take out your money and splurge on a new sofa, you have to make sure that it is indeed worth the investment. You work hard for your money, so it is imperative to get a good quality sofa that can withstand the test of time.

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