Can Modular Homes Save You Money?

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There will soon come a day when most homes that are built will be modular. It is because of the fact that the way they are built is revolutionary, it is something that saves people a lot of money in real estate and construction, so why wouldn’t they choose it over site-built homes? For a trustworthy, effective and efficient service, you may get your very own modular home built from Fox Modular Homes.

Modular homes

The only questions it, why is it so much cheaper? In what part of the building process do modular homes come through with cheaper options and lower building costs? Some companies even claim that modular homes can be built up to 60% cheaper than regular homes. Let’s take a look at a few factors that might be making this possible.

Buying in Bulk

One of the major areas where costing is cut down is this – modular manufacturers can buy their supplies in bulk because they do not build homes one at a time, it can be up to several per month. For each house, they do not buy materials from scratch. Instead, they store items previously bought for another house and reuse them in order to save time and cost. This saves a lot of transportation cost as well, considering a lot of construction material has to be transported over a great distance to get to them.

Modular house

Lesser material

Let’s consider that some material gets ruined during construction – it’s impossible for you to buy more material in the amount you need and get it in less cost and enough time to get things done. So, builders of site homes buy a lot more material than they need, and a lot of it goes to waste because they have to order fresh for the next home they build. Due to this lack of reusing material, a lot of money is literally thrown into the garbage when building regular homes. Because modular homes can store materials to use in the next construction, they do not have this problem.

Modern modular house

Labor cost

Labor cost is the most fluid of these three factors, because site home builders never know how much their contractor might charge to build the house. The claim simply cannot be made in advance. To construct modular homes, it takes a lot less manpower, because most of the world has already been done in factories before. They have specific specializing workers for modular homes, and one person isn’t given multiple responsibilities. They will do one task repeatedly all day, thus becoming an expert in said task, which means they will not require much assistance to perform it. This is another factor that saves money.

Modular home porch

A home like this will surely save you money, but it comes with its own set of disadvantages, like everything else that might seem great. So, make sure to keep in mind all possible factors when deciding whether a modular home is the right pick for you.

If you already got yours, check out this decoration ideas for modular houses.

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