7 Reasons You Aren’t Getting to Sleep at Night

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Many of us complain throughout the day of being tired and not having a great night’s sleep, and research has backed this up.  It has been found that only 6% of people in the UK get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night. With shocking statistics such as this, it is no surprise so many of us are moaning about being tired.

There could be several reasons why you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, but some of the explanations may be more obvious than others. With only 1 in 10 of us in the UK waking up in the morning feeling rested and recuperated, it is important that we look at why we aren’t getting to sleep at night and what is causing us to be restless during the night. Here are seven reasons why you aren’t getting to sleep at night and not waking up feeling rested and ready to start the day ahead!



Stress affects us all and can be to blame for a lot of unsettling features of our lives. Many of us are kept so busy throughout the day that it can be difficult to shut our minds off and settle down to sleep. Our brains keep working even when our bodies are starting to rest, which is why you may find yourself lying awake at night worrying about all the things you have to do the following day.

Your Bedding

Many people don’t consider the impact that their bedding may be having on their sleep. It is recommended that you change your bed sheets once a week, but only 28% of Brits follow this recommendation.

If you don’t feel clean and relaxed when you are in bed, then you are unlikely to get a peaceful and rested nights sleep.

You should also invest in some of the best duvets available to buy, such as organic wool duvets, British wool duvets, and natural wool duvets. There are plenty of choices available, which will make you able to find something that suits you and helps you to sleep.


You should also have different bedding for the various seasons throughout the year. For example, a summer duvet is helpful in the warmer months. Be sure to check out the best duvet reviews that show the benefits of wool duvets and pillows.

Your Bed Is Uncomfortable

If you have an old bed then you may find that it is causing you problems getting to sleep, as well as staying asleep throughout the night. Getting a pocket sprung mattress is a great way to ensure you are comfortable in bed, and you can also get natural mattress toppers to help give your mattress an added layer of luxury. We’d recommend checking out Urban Wool if you are looking to invest in these products, as their bedding is made from 100% organic wool which boasts many benefits. Wool bedding helps to reduce the symptoms of allergies, keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter, absorbs moisture and prevents night sweats. If you’re looking to improve your sleep quality, this is definitely an investment worth making.


You Are Eating Too Late

Many of us have such busy days that we are having our meals later in the evening. Eating heavy meals within three hours of heading to bed can be too stimulating for your body and may be what is keeping you awake. You should aim to eat much earlier if possible and if you find yourself hungry around bedtime then eat a small snack instead.


Your Bedroom Has Become Your Office and Home

It is important that you separate your home and work life so that when you aren’t doing work you can enjoy some rest and downtime. Many people can be accused of doing work on the go, which while can be great for productivity, can stop you getting to sleep at night.

You should set yourself a rule that no work is done in the bedroom and make the environment solely for rest.


Your Significant Other

You may not release it but sharing your bed may be causing you to lie awake at night and not get the rest you need. If they snore or are known to hog the duvet then you may find yourself unable to sleep. To avoid this, you should consider getting a king size wool duvet that is easier to share and will keep you warm!


Drinking Too Much Caffeine

Many of us use caffeine throughout the day to keep ourselves alert, especially if we haven’t had enough sleep the night before. However, this can quickly turn into a vicious circle. You should ensure that you do not drink caffeine after your evening meal, as this can still influence your body when it comes to bedtime. Be sure to stick to decaf alternatives if you are used to drinking coffee when at home.

Not getting enough sleep at night can be very damaging to your physical and mental health, so it is important that you investigate the reasons why you aren’t getting to sleep at night and solve these problems. You will be amazed at how much more productive and alert you are throughout the day when you have had a full night of rest.

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