Best Energy Saving Tips at Home

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Saving energy around the home is great for the planet, but it also helps save money. That makes conserving energy a win-win for everyone. Changing behaviors around the home, improving your weatherproofing, and other simple actions can make a huge impact on how much energy your home consumes each month. To get you started, here are seven simple tips for saving energy around the house.

Cozy house

Shut it off

Forgetting to shut off and unplug unused items around the home could be wasting a lot of electricity. Without spending any money on fancy upgrades, you can save a bundle just by changing your habits. Any time you leave a room, remember to switch off lights. Leaving unused electronics like computers and televisions unplugged also keeps “energy vampires” from slowly consuming power.

Use passive heating

During cooler months, keep an eye on the daylight. Opening curtains and blinds lets in sunlight, which passively warms the home. Adding heavier, thicker curtains adds a layer of insulation that can help prevent drafts after the sun goes down.

Nice balcony

Look for leaks

Take a tour of your home with a small piece of bath tissue to see if you have any air leakages. If you notice that the tissue flutters near doors, windows, or even power outlets it may be time to add some weather proofing. Insulated pads are available for outlet and light switch covers, and insulation strips for windows and doors are available from most hardware stores. Alternatively, caulking leaks around windows provides a more permanent solution, if you’re handy with a caulk gun. Canada is a windy place, and Alberta’s powerful winds can make homes drafty, particularly in the winter. Sealing up those leaks will save on the cost to heat the place.

Cozy kitchen

Replace air filters

Did you know that a dirty air filter can make your home’s heating and cooling system use up to 15% more energy annually? Replacing dirty air filters makes the motor of your heater work more efficiently. That means you’ll spend less time shivering and cranking up the thermostat, because the HVAC works better.

Wash it cold

Washing clothes, towels, and bedding in cold water saves quite a bit of energy, but it is also easier on textiles. Save energy on heating water by using cold or tap cold water to wash clothes. This is particularly effective in homes with older water heaters, since older water heaters tend to be less efficient than newer and better insulated models.

Cozy livingroom

Turn down the heat

Speaking of water heaters, turning down the heat on one can save energy all year long. It’s recommended that water heaters be set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 49 °C) to avoiding wasting electricity. As a bonus, cooler water temperatures are better for keeping sensitive skin safe.

Close the damper

Winters in Canada are tough, in Edmonton can be cold enough to chill even the warmest home. The north of the USA and the UK, from where most of our readers come, are no exception. If you’ve got a fireplace in your home, you probably enjoy many warm and cozy nights by the fire. When you don’t have a fire burning though, make sure the damper is closed. Although the airflow is necessary when the fire is lit, it can quickly seep warm air out of the building otherwise. If you notice that your fireplace is draft even with the damper closed, consider installing doors. Heat proof glass fireplace doors add a little extra insulation and prevent air exchange from your fireplace of your chimney.

Warm fireplace

Saving energy around the home doesn’t mean you have to make extreme changes or home improvements. Don’t spend an arm and a leg to power your home. If you’re looking for, energy companies in Edmonton, you can get the power you need at an affordable rate.

If you live in other areas, please check this tips for a cozy house!

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