How To Decorate Your House in Feng Shui Style
It is not a religion or a decorative trend coming from the Far East. If Feng Shui sounds like Chinese, here is the basic kit to know what it is and how it works in 10 tips.

Many people confuse Feng Shui with a type of oriental decoration, but it has nothing to do with a style but it is a philosophy based on finding balance and contributing positive energies to the places we inhabit. Its translation, ‘Wind and Water’, refers to the movement of Chi or vital flow of energy, which is part of everything and everyone and whose circulation promotes health, prosperity and a harmonious life. You know: if you take care of your house, your house will take care of you.
Decorate according to Feng Shui
Applying the millennial method in our house has nothing to do with placing a ceramic dragon in the library or a golden kitten waving at the entrance. Obviously goes much further and for their results to be one hundred percent satisfactory, nothing better than to entrust the task to a professional (the price of a consultation of Feng Shui depends on the meters of space and hours of work, including visits, analysis of the house dossier, action plan and monitoring). If you dare to start on your own, here are ten indispensable practical tips:
The starting point: Order and cleaning
Marie Kondo would be proud of this start. This guru of order provides good ideas that match the techniques of Feng Shui. Getting rid of what you do not need, emptying and cleaning is the starting point for the energy to flow properly. Oh! And remove unnecessary pieces of furniture and furniture that are not safe, since this is his third indispensable basic principle.
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Welcome home
The hall should give the feeling of spaciousness and that is why we will choose a bright color, such as white or yellow. It is very important that there is light at the entrance, if not natural, reinforce with ceiling and / or table lamps. Place things that convey “good vibes”, such as flowers, candles or photos, as well as something that represents water (an element that attracts good fortune). And do not put mirrors in front of the door, because the energy bounces and escapes.
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A room full of energy (positive)
The living room is one of the places with more energy: here it enters, it goes out, it sits down, it activates, it relaxes … To create an environment that encourages positive encounters, take note:
Natural light and good ventilation (ventilate at least once every two days), as well as putting natural plants are the basics. A good location is the east of the house (to the left of the entrance of the house) since there are the areas of Health and family or of Wealth and prosperity.
Do not put the sofas with their backs to the door, but in L, leaning against the wall and not facing each other, and better hide the TV behind a piece of furniture. The furniture must be the essential and not have very sharp corners (better rounded because Chi or vital energy flows much better).
Noble materials, such as wood, and natural fabrics are recommended. As for the colors, use a balanced combination that facilitates a circulation neither very fast nor very slow. If we choose white walls, enter color notes on the cushions for example.
The light will provide the energy of the fire element and activate the Chi, so it combines points of ambient and point light.
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The kitchen, the heart of the house
A kitchen with good Feng Shui loads us with positive energy and makes us feel more vital and creative. Its best location is the area farthest from the main door and as for the debate, open or closed? Feng Shui prefers delimited spaces so that the energies do not mix.
The cooking area should not be behind the door, but if yours is, place a mirror or reflective steel dashboard to act as a mirror and avoid the feeling of alertness.
The water zone must be properly separated from the fire zone (the triangle distribution of work is the best so that the water element does not extinguish the fire element) and the islands are perfect to encourage freedom of movement.
As for the materials to choose, the wood feeds the fire. Equilibrium with the metal and clay will provide the element Earth. Incorporates aromatic plants to enhance a fresh and vibrant energy.
And if you are a fan of white kitchens, think twice because at the level of Feng Shui are not recommended as they involve an excess of coldness and introversion. If your kitchen is totally white, add accessories in orange, yellow, red and green. And remember: the more tidy you have it, the more balanced and creative your life will be.
A revitalizing and relaxing bath at the same time
Thanks to Feng Shui you can enhance well-being in the bathroom, a place marked by energy leakage, due to the large number of drains and water in motion. Start the day with joy, and finish it with a relaxing bath to achieve balance, trying to apply these precepts:
The entrance door to the bathroom should not be facing the main door of the house or in front of the kitchen. Avoid being in the center of the house, because if it is there it can translate into some kind of illness, economic losses or general weathering situations. If ours does not take the desired place, you can compensate by making the toilet not look directly when you open the door. To hide it behind a wall or the sink is ideal. Also avoid having the mirror with the sink in front of the door.
Wood is the great ally of Feng Shui to balance the energy of a bath. So choose wooden furniture, sinuous forms, run away from steps and platforms, because beauty has to go together with security. The colors of the earth must take the reins, supplanting whites and blacks or blues.
Always keep the closed door of the bathroom, the drains and the toilet lid and make sure there is no leakage of water. Put some plant, along with symbolic elements such as photos or pictures, without forgetting the order and cleanliness.
A bedroom to sleep on
Let the vital energy Chi flow correctly, guiding it with an optimal distribution of the elements. Your dream will be refreshing.
The wall behind the headboard must be the farthest from the door. Think that the absence of a headboard generates insecurity, since it symbolizes support and security.
Bedside tables and lamps are good for protection on both sides, although they do not need to be identical. Mirrors placed in front of the bed or the door have a negative effect since, according to Feng Shui, they hinder sleep. On the other hand, a double bed with two separate mattresses can lead to disunity. DO NOT have the work area or exercise in the bedroom, but a chaise longue or reading chair.
Here the colors should be soft, pastel-like, neither too cold nor too warm. Eye with the high ceilings and beams, whose height can be saved with a canopy on the bed, and avoid at all costs have devices that generate electromagnetic fields, such as tele, mobile, etc.
An outside ‘very Feng Shui’
Protect the garden or terrace with fences, trees or plants on the side from which cold winds and unfavorable weather come. Instead, open it to sunlight so that its heat enters. Avoid the straight lines in favor of the curves, with climbers, stones that draw paths …
Water, essential. Remember that it is a symbol of money and prosperity, so if you can, install a pond with golden fish and turtles.
The “most Feng Shui” plants are bamboo, jasmine, chrysanthemums, orchids and pines.
The value of the details
The accessories have a great value in this philosophy, because they are responsible for generating positivism and joy. No pictures of dead objects, no dry plants, no pictures of deceased family members or broken objects are advised. On the other hand, the presence of fresh flowers is highly valued, as well as taking care of odors and colors in general, since they influence the mood.
Pets favor the passage of energy, like incense and flower essences.
Why Feng Shui?
• To restore: If you feel bad in some aspect of your life, it is about analyzing the imbalances to be able to harmonize.
• To increase: If you want to achieve a specific goal or want to improve some part of your life.
• To maintain: Even if there is not a problem or specific reason, you want to prevent and correct possible energy imbalances.
For this, the Bagua map is drawn from a space that shows the correspondence between the different areas of our life and our house and that will serve as a guide for decision making. Other tools of Feng Shui are the location of the house, the shapes, colors and textures that are used, the personal symbols, the ying-yang and the optimal use of the five elements at home: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. .
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Find the optimal environment to live
Since its inception (in China about 3,500 years ago), this has been the goal of Feng Shui: to create a positive and harmonious environment that improves the lives of its occupants. Of course, each house is a world, so Feng Shui studies are required and personalized by experts to achieve the desired results.