7 Powerful Feng Shui Tips For Your Home This 2018

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Are you looking to revitalize your household for the new year? Or perhaps you want to invite a couple of positive energy? Then feng shui may be the ideal approach for you. Feng shui is looking into the movement and flow of energy within a space, and intentionally guiding it to provide the most significant benefit to the residents.

Its principles help support that we live in harmony together with the environment. It aims to obtain equilibrium in your living along with your working space to maximize the potential for success in each aspect of life.

Essentially, feng shui signifies “wind water” in which the wind spreads energy and the water to hold them. Houses are a representation of its residents, and if any element is lacking, ignored or has opposing energy, then these mirrors the life of its occupant.

The Condition of the Front Door signifies Wealth

In Feng Shui, your front door is “the Mouth of Qi,” and it is how the energy gets into your space. So, the front door needs to be in excellent condition to allow the positive energy to circulate freely.

Don’t allow the paint to fade, the door hinges or the wood warp to stick or squeak. Your front door needs to be welcoming to both family and friends to invite positive energy.

The Hall Symbolizes Opportunities

Therefore, guarantee that it is free of clutter so that the positive energy can flow. Try to place footwear and coats inside closed furniture, so they don’t stagnate the circulation of energy.

To initiate the rewarding Qi ( known as a negative or positive lifeforce, also spelled as “Chi”) in the room, put some fresh flowers and a beautiful mirror. Fresh flowers immediately raise the spirits of a space.

The Dining Place Embodies Digestion

Your dining area is a significant matter in feng shui because it presents an area where you can focus mindfully on what you eat.

In feng shui, your dining space makes a connection with the spleen which links to Earth element, which promotes digestion in old Chinese medicine. To optimize the energy in the dining area, try placing a mirror on the wall to help reflect the dining table as well as fresh flowers on the table.

The Kitchen Represents Sustenance and Bond

Guarantee that you don’t put the cooker and sink opposite to each other as it can lead to disputes between couples, as it creates a clash between water and fire.

The colors in the kitchen are also a significant concern, and it is best to stay away from excessive red and black colors as that also cause water and fire clash.

Ensure that Furniture for the Living Room is in Proportion to Space

Renew the energy of your home with the right instruments to obtain the fresh energy of new beginnings. Don’t let the furniture block any doors, and place the main sofa against a wall to ensure support to the occupants.


To initiate energy wealth, try to place a lamp on the edge of the room (or have it angled opposite the door of the room).

Your Bedroom Spurs Romance and Restful Sleep

The bedrooms need to focus on light neutral colors, and the beds need to have a headboard and be placed against a wall to promote a comfortable sleep.

Preferably, the bed should not be on the course of the bedroom door. It is best to place bedside tables on either side of your bed to render support. Put curvy lamps as well as fragranced candles on the table to inject some passionate energy.

The Bathroom takes in Wealth

Have you ever heard about New Year’s cleansing? Well, this is mainly it. Your bathroom should be clean always with toilet lid down, and the door kept closed. Your bathroom is the area where the wealth may pour out, so try to place some plants inside because plants absorb water which regulates the flow of the wealth draining away.


These energy inspired approaches are perhaps your crucial elements to live the life this year, particularly in buying home furniture in Black Mango.

The utilization of Feng Shui in your household does not only improve the beauty of your home because this method also helps in harmonizing people with the environment to promote the flow of positive energy.


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