Gardeners’ Secrets for Maintaining Your Lawn in Autumn

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Autumn is a beautiful season, where the leaves on the trees change color and the weather cools down. However, it is often the bane of many yards’ existence. Flowers and plants wilt, leaves cover the ground, and you may find yourself struggling with maintaining your yard and keeping it beautiful. You might feel like you can do nothing to fight your yard or garden dying, but that is not true.


Gardeners know everything about yards and flowers, and how to keep them thriving in any season. With these tips and tricks, you might be able to keep your lawn healthy and green even in the fall months.


  1. Always Remove/Rake the Leaves

As pretty and fun as fallen leaves are to look at, they are actually quite bad for your lawn. The coverage blocks the sunlight from reaching your grass, which is crucial to its health and growth. They also block the water from reaching the lawn, another vital part of the health of your lawn.

As the leaves fall and you have time, take a moment to blow or rake the leaves away. Even when the trees have no more leaves, rake your yard occasionally to get rid of leaf piles from the wind.


  1. Keep Your Mower and Trimmer Handy

Grass can still grow up until the first hard frost of the winter season. Keeping your yard trimmed to the right length – the recommended length is 2 and a half to 3 inches – is an important part of keeping it healthy. You will want to invest in a great mower or trimmer – personally, I am very pleased with my purchase of 128ld Husqvarna Trimmer, which helps keep my yard the right length no matter the season.

Mowing will also help rid you of any leaves that might escape raking, grinding them into a mulch to stimulate your lawn.


  1. Use Fertilizer

Fertilizer any time of year is a great idea for your lawn, but it is especially important during the cold months of fall and winter. There are plant sugars that can help prevent the roots of the plants from freezing or dying during the cooler months.

Fertilizers that are especially abundant in potassium are important during this time of year because potassium helps plants with cold resistance, drought resistance, disease prevention, and root growth. The right fertilizer will help your yard thrive during the autumn months.


  1. Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn is a method of allowing more nutrients and water to reach the roots and keep the soil healthy. There are methods of aerating your lawn yourself, though the larger your lawn, the more difficult it is. You can easily hire a lawn company to aerate your soil for you, but whatever you decide to do, aerating your lawn is a great thing to do to safeguard your soil in the harsh autumn climate.


  1. Weeding

Try to maintain a healthy lawn care schedule, and make sure weeding is on that schedule. Keeping a steady lawn care routine will be great for the health of your grass. Weeding is a major component of keeping your lawn healthy. Getting the pests and weeds out of your otherwise healthy grass will give your lawn room to grow and flourish. Autumn, more than most of the year, is especially important in terms of keeping a well-maintained schedule.



No matter the time of year, taking care of your lawn involves a number of steps and work, but the end result is worth it. By following the above tips, you can rest assured that even in the potentially harsh autumn climate and into the winter, your lawn will flourish and maintain its health.

Weeding, raking, trimming, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn are important things all year round, but they are particularly important in autumn. Follow these steps, and your lawn will flourish even as the leaves fall from the trees.


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