5 Ways to Keep your Lawn Green and Healthy

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Many homeowners desire beautiful, emerald-green and healthy lawns to add color and aesthetics to their homes. A healthy lawn is a product of effort and time caring for it and troubleshooting problems as they arise. You don’t have to flood your lawn with chemicals. Proper cutting, watering, fertilizing, and aerating are enough to keep your lawn healthy and looking good.


Here are five ways to keep your lawn green and healthy.

1. Water Thoroughly and Deeply

Your lawn requires water to be healthy and beautiful. Water promotes root growth that keeps your lawn healthy and lush. It is advisable to water your lawn in the early morning and late evening to minimize water loss through evaporation. The amount of water your lawn requires depends on the weather and the grass variety. Do not overwater or underwater your lawn for the best results.


2. Fertilize your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn enhances lush growth, strengthens roots, and prevents weeds and pests. Fertilize your lawn with the ideal fertilizer that has the right percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Ensure that the fertilizer you use matches your geographic location, grass type, and soil conditions. Use the right fertilizer spreader when fertilizing your lawn. A drop spreader is advisable for small lawns while a broadcast spreader works well in large lawns.


3. Aerate your Lawn

Consider aerating your lawn in fall or spring for a healthy and green lawn. To aerate your lawn, use a lawn aerator to remove plugs. Aerating your lawn has various benefits for improving air to soil interaction, allowing water and fertilizer to penetrate the soil, fighting soil compaction and preventing diseases. Apply weed killers after aerating to protect open holes against weeds.


4. Proper Mowing

Mowing your lawn helps to keep it beautiful and healthy. You should not mow too low although it may seem natural to cut your lawn as short as possible. Instead, you should let the lawn grow longer and mow it frequently. Use the best lawn mower lift to suspend your mower to a favorable height, preferably 3 inches tall when mowing. When you mow a lawn short, you limit deep root growth and this decreases the lawn’s capacity to resist weeds, pests, and drought.


5. Fight Weeds

Weeds are detrimental because they compete for water, nutrients, and air with your lawn. If you prevent weeds, your lawn enjoys the monopoly of water and minerals to grow into a healthy and green lawn envied by many. The best way to fight weeds in your lawn is to ensure a good, thick and healthy turf that does not allow weed to thrive. If your weeds do not disappear with basic changes to lawn care, you can hand pluck them or seek advice from local gardeners.


A lush, green and healthy lawn is a labor of love that takes time but the effort is worth. To keep your lawn green and beautiful, water it deeply, fertilize it, mow it appropriately, aerate it, and fight weeds. Use these ways to keep your lawn green and healthy and your neighbors will envy it.

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