5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

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There are many documented benefits of ensuring that you get enough sleep on a regular basis. However, getting enough sleep is something that many people struggle with. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night and then wake up in the morning then you are not alone.

There may be several reasons why you might be finding it difficult to sleep and some of the most common ones are listed below.


You Do Not Have A Set Bedtime

This does not mean that you have to rigidly stick to the same time every night. However, if you know roughly what time you should be thinking about going to bed then it can help you develop a night time routine. Falling asleep at the same time each night will also help your body clock realize that it is bedtime and therefore time to sleep.


If You Work Late You Try To Go Straight To Sleep

If you go to bed straight from getting home from work then you may find it difficult to get off to sleep. You need to give yourself a bit of time to unwind before you go to sleep, even if this is just half an hour. If you feel as if you are too tired then try not to get into bed until you are sure that you will be able to get off to sleep.


Not Setting Aside Time To Decompress

If you struggle to sleep because you have a lot on your mind then you may find it useful to spend some time decompressing before bed. This means doing everything that you would normally prevent you from going to sleep such as spending time on your phone or watching TV. There is not a problem with doing these things as long as you make them part of your routine so that they are not making you stay awake.


Doing Something Stimulating Before Bed

With the amount of technology that we have access to nowadays shutting off before we sleep is not always easy. Most of us take our phones or tablets to bed or have TVs in our room. Other things to be aware of including eating or drinking too close to bedtime or having lights on that are too bright.


Make Yourself Comfortable

It will be easier for you to get off to sleep if you are comfortable. Having a good mattress is often the key to comfort but buying a new mattress can be expensive. Buying a king size mattress pad can be a good alternative as these will lie on top of your bed and add a bit of extra comfort.


If you find that you do have trouble getting off to sleep on a regular basis then you may want to consider if any of these points apply to you. You do not have to put up with not being able to sleep but this is a fact that not everyone is aware of. Taking some advice in the article on board is a good first step. You may be surprised at how much difference getting a good night’s sleep makes to your day to day life.

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