DIY Ways Everyone Can Save More Energy at Home

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Are you happy when your energy bills arrive? Nobody enjoys giving their hard-earned money away. You probably imagine a few ways you could have saved energy. Within seconds, you’ll forget all about it and get on with your life.
You don’t need to keep handing over large sums of money. Who don’t you finally do something about the amount of energy you waste at home? There are simple tasks you’ll be able to do yourself. Let’s discuss a few that will really help.
1. Sealing up Leaks Around Windows
Respected electricity providers 
electricity providers Melbourne  state that every time the temperature goes up they’ll make more money, but they really shouldn’t be earning so much per person and mostly it happens because windows are not insulated properly.
The only reason someone blasts their air con unit is because lots of it disappears into the sky. Hot air obviously escapes from window leaks too. If you caulk them your energy bills will drop more than you’d expect.

2. Harvest Rainwater in Your Garden
Do you have a shed in your garden at the moment? Hopefully, it has a large roof. When the rain hits it all the water will fall into the ground and disappear. You’ll need to find a way to harvest it on your own.

Anyone who can use a screwdriver will be able to add guttering to a garden shed. All you’ll need is the right equipment to set your plan in motion. When the water falls into the guttering it should drop into a large rain barrel.

3. Insulating Your Visible Ducting
It’s unlikely you’ll have a lot of visible ducting inside your home, but you’ll have enough to make a difference. Basically, you just need to wrap insulation around it to stop any heat from escaping.
Even when there are no leaks heat will be drawn to the cold air outside the ducting. It would be good if you could insulate your outdoor pipes too. If the water inside them freezes in winter they could expand and burst.

4. Planting Trees Outside Your Home
Forget about this if you already have trees in your garden, but planting a few if you don’t is crucial. You have no idea how much heat they’ll stop from coming inside your home when it’s very warm outside.
They will obviously need to be planted in front of windows, plus give them a few feet of space too. Remember, you don’t want those little baby trees. You won’t be able to start saving energy for decades.

5. Building a Basic Low-Flow Toilet
Low-flow toilets will save a massive amount of water, but you shouldn’t buy one unless you’re renovating the bathroom. Build a DIY one instead because it will only take you a couple of minutes.

The easiest way to accomplish your goal is by filling up a plastic bottle and plopping it inside your water tank. Once flushed, less water will be required to fill it back up. Ensure your new toilet ‘disposes’ of everything.
6. The Windows Need a Low-E Coating
Low-E windows are similar to low-flow toilets. They will save you an enormous amount of energy, but the products themselves are too expensive. If you want to save money you’ll need to create low-E windows by coating them in a special film.

It might take you a few attempts to get it right, but you’ll be able to do it on your own. Don’t climb up any ladders unless you’re experienced. You will probably need a little help when it comes to the upstairs windows.

You Can Tackle Every Single One of Them
Have you spotted any DIY jobs on the list you won’t be able to do? I know it can feel a bit intimidating, but you will succeed with flying colors. When you do you’ll have the confidence to tackle bigger projects.

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