How to Know if a Real Estate Team is the Right One for You

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Working with the right real estate agent or team is one of the most important parts in making sure that your house gets seen by the right people and that you get the most reasonable offers. A good team will be able to give you indications on how to make your home more attractive to buyers and how to price it favorably for you and not for them as agents. They will also help facilitate the transfer process and make sure that all the paperwork is in order. 

Too few people know what truly differentiates a good real estate agent from a bad one, however. Let’s take a look at what you should be looking for to know if a real estate agent is the right one for the job.

You Feel Good Around Them

Most people will advise you not to go with your gut when hiring a professional, but real estate agents are different. These people will be interacting with potential buyers, and if they make you feel great and comfortable, chances are it will be the case with buyers as well.

They Understand Your Market and are a Staple in Your Community

Being well-known is another thing that wouldn’t necessarily make someone a good pick if you were looking for someone like a lawyer. But this is something you want in a real estate agent or team. If a real estate team is well-known in a community, it will usually be because of results and not aggressive marketing

Being well-known in your community also means that they are more likely to understand your market. If you’re in a competitive market like Minnesota, for instance, MN realtors Kerby & Cristina can sell your home and have been doing so for decades. They know the market inside and out and have gained the confidence of people in the area, so this could make selling your home much easier.

They’re Responsive

You also have to work with someone who respects you as a client. They have to be there to answer your questions and you should establish lines of communications from the get-go. They should be fairly accessible to you whether you need advice on modifications you may need to make or issues with the selling process.

They’re Not Afraid to Tell Harsh Truths

A real estate agent that is ready to tell you things you aren’t ready to hear is usually a good sign. If your house has to be overhauled to even break even, or if your valuation is over the top, you need someone who’ll be able to deliver harsh news and tell you what needs to be done to correct the situation, even if it means you’ll be losing money.

These are all signs that you may have found the perfect real estate team for you. There are things you’ll need to find out before making your final decision, but these should be more than enough for you to make a start.

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