8 Tips for Creating a Better Architecture Portfolio

8 Tips for Creating a Better Architecture Portfolio

Building a professional portfolio is a necessary step that every architect should take early in their careers to showcase their credentials, skills, and achievements to prospective employers and clients. The initial steps are the most difficult part of the process, as having a portfolio means that you’ve already completed some form of work in the…

What To Say To a Client When He Picks Something That Could Ruin Your Interior Design Scheme 

What To Say To a Client When He Picks Something That Could Ruin Your Interior Design Scheme 

How many of us working as professional interior designers faced the situation when a client insists on buying something (whether it is furniture, materials or decor) that we see will contradict with the style or concept we want to create for them. For me those situations always resemble walking on a thin ice: on one…

Interior Design Magazines And Blogs To Submit Your Projects For Publications

Interior Design Magazines And Blogs To Submit Your Projects For Publications

Those who work in interior design business probably would agree that after working several months (sometimes years!) on an interior design project you start to have a feeling similar to what women have on the 9th month of pregnancy – you just want this baby out. Some projects are easier, some are more difficult, but all…