Weekend Makeover: Cheap, Easy & Effective Home Improvements

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While some people choose the weekend to lay around in their sweats and enjoy the time away from work, others look at the days off as a chance to work on their homes and make for a more enjoyable place to live. After all, there are plenty of projects that can be done around your home that don’t take more than a few days to complete and don’t need a personal loan to get it done. If you are looking for cheap, easy and effective home improvement ideas, here are some projects you can consider for a weekend makeover.

Add Life With Colour

The colour and life that you can add to your home with a new layer of paint shouldn’t go understated. Adding paint to your home takes hardly any time, and it’s also not a huge financial investment either. You can paint a new room each weekend and have a completely different looking house after just a month or two of weekends.

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Loosen Door Hinges

Squeaky door hinges aren’t something that you’ll think about every time you are in your home, but you can bet that you’ll think about it every time a door opens and closes. However, working on your door hinges often fall into that category of things that you’ll “get around to the next time you think about it.” Well, now’s the time.

All you need is a bit of WD-40 or other similar applicant. Once you put it on the doors, they’ll be nice and smooth and they won’t make the annoying squeaky sounds.

interior door

Wire Organisation

Whether you are just getting a new television or you have had the same set since you moved in, a lot of people get so excited with electronics that they often forget to neatly hide all of their wires.

Unfortunately, visible wires are not only unattractive for your home, but they also can be dangerous to small children or animals. You can grab a few wire poles or even some zip-ties and spend just a few hours tying up all of your electronic wires. In doing so, you’ll have a safer and more pleasant-looking home.

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Tub and Sink Stains

You’d think, or at least hope, that tubs and sinks would be a lot more clean considering water runs down them all of the time. However, because you are continually washing your body and hands in sinks and tubs, these areas get incredibly dirty.

Instead of waiting till the next time you shower, use some baking soda and lemon juice paste to clean these surfaces. You simply mix the two ingredients together and then rub them on the surface. Let it sit for a bit and then you can remove the topical layer, which will hopefully take away any unsightly stains. Not only is this quick and easy, but you might already have baking soda and a lemon in your fridge, making for a cheap and easy fix.

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Your home should be taken care of whenever something goes wrong. However, everyone has their own reasons for putting things off. But with these projects, you can fix some common issues around the home, without having to spend much money or take much time. And the improvements they’ll make will be worth the effort.

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