4 Things you can do to Get a Better Night Sleep

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We all know how important a good night sleep is. The difference in how you handle the challenges of the day comes from how well you sleep. A poor night sleep can affect your mood and emotions for more than one day as well whereas a good night’s sleep can spur you on through the week and give you the burst of energy that you need. The problem sometimes is that no matter how hard we try, we just cannot fall or asleep, or if we do fall asleep, we cannot stay asleep long enough to rest properly.  

So, what can you do to improve your sleep and achieve the rest you both need and deserve? The good news is that a few simple changes and checks can help you sleep longer and better than before. Just like a task, you need the right equipment and conditions to get the most out of it and, by following this guide, you will hopefully start to see the improvements almost instantly. With that said, let’s look at four things you can do to get a better night’s sleep;

  1. Invest in a new mattress

Not all mattresses are made even, and not all mattresses offer the same support. If you had a chair that hurt you every time you sat on it, you would throw it away. Amazingly when it comes to mattresses, people put up with bad backs and aches way longer than they should. You spend, on average, a third of your day using your mattress, so it is worth the investment. It is also worth the time to shop around and look for one designed for issues you may have. For example, if you have a bad back, then check out https://thedozyowl.co.uk/best-mattress-bad-back-uk-expert-buyers-guide/.

  1. Limit blue light exposure

Smartphones, laptops and video games consoles all emit blue light and prolonged exposure to it has been proven to affect your sleeping ability. If you are having troubling falling asleep, there is a good chance your eyes have been affected. To remedy this, give yourself an hour before sleep without screens or purchase some blue light reduction glasses.

  1. Check your caffeine levels

Modern life requires us to be switched on so much more often, and caffeine has become a massive aid in doing so. Of course, everyone knows that a cup of coffee will keep you awake, but not everybody understands exactly how long caffeine remains in your system. Research shows it can be anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, or even longer. So, if you’re having trouble sleeping, maybe skip the after coffee.

  1. Look at the support your bedframe offers

Just like your mattress, your bed frame is something you spend a third of your day using and if it is broken or weak, then so is the support it offers. If this is true for your bed frame and you’re having trouble sleeping or waking up with back issues, then there is a high chance this is the reason.

There you have five simple things that you can try to improve the effectiveness of your rest. If problems persist, it is worth seeking the advice of a healthcare professional. All being well, though, once you make these changes, you will be feeling the benefits. If you still need more help sleeping, it is also worth looking into Natural Remedies.

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