Ways to Start Tidying Your Home KonMari Style
Living in a clean and tidy home reduces your risk of getting sick because of molds, mildew and other bacteria. An organized and well-kept home also provides the perfect ambiance for you to relax and induce calming thoughts, making it beneficial for your mental health. Generally, a home that is spic and span is good for your overall well-being.
There are instances wherein remodeling or renovation is needed for you to repair the damages in your home before getting it fully organized. But even if you don’t intend to renovate, it is inevitable that a general home cleaning process can generate tons of waste. In both scenarios, it is best to check the cost to rent a dumpster that can be placed in your driveway. With a rented dumpster, the disposal of the items you place there will no longer be your problem. Thus, you will be able to focus more on other things such as tidying your home KonMari style.
Visualize What You Want to Happen
According to KonMari, before you begin tidying up your home, you need to visualize what your ideal lifestyle is. List the reasons why you opt to live the way you see yourself after you free your home from clutter because these reasons will serve as your motivation to keep on going in terms of organizing and cleaning up. After this, make sure that you tidy up all at once, rather than trying to tidy up a bit at a time because there is a great chance that you will never finish. While it is true that things may get messy instantly, you will eventually reach your goal.
Tidy by Category, and in the Right Order
Most people clean up their homes in one room at a time. According to the KonMari method, this is ineffective. Rather than tidying up per room, it is better to tidy up by category, and doing so in the right order. Thus, it is best to start with all the clothes in your home, discarding all those that no longer spark you with joy. After which, proceed in tidying up books, then papers, and Komono, or miscellaneous items. Before you try to organize and put things back into their proper places, make sure that you are done discarding all the things that no longer serve you well.
To wrap things up, you can begin tidying up your home by having a good insight on the final look and feel that you want your house to have. Identify the reasons why you want to live that way and tidy up all at once because tidying up little by little may never be successful. In tidying up all at once, make sure to do so by category and not per room in your house. Also tidy up in the right order, beginning with your clothes and building up from there. Discard items that don’t spark joy in your life and before you begin rearranging your things, make sure that you have discarded all those that you need to let go.