Reroofing Tips to Make Sure Your Roof is Set for Winter

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Snow and other winter weather might be delightful, but if it somehow manages to get itself inside your house…well, it’s going to be end up being a lot more like “frightful.” While leaks and roof damage are an inconvenience any time of year, during the winter months, they can quickly turn into something a lot more serious. They’ll also be a good bit harder to complete, with snow and sleet making safe access to the roof nearly impossible. Are you ready for reroofing season?

That’s why it’s important to get all necessary roof repairs done before winter sets in – while the weather is still clear and relatively nice. Here are some essential steps and tips for making sure your roof is ready to go, and weather the winter weather this year.

Clear the Roof – Before It’s Too Late

 The first thing you need to do to ensure your roof is safe and prepped for winter, is to clear it of all debris. This includes fallen leaves and branches, as well as anything else that might have ended up there during the breezy days of fall. While a few branches here and there won’t normally cause any problems, debris does pose more of a danger during stormy times of year. If you can keep the roof clear, you can minimize the chances of receiving too much damage when winter storms do hit.


Clear Away Any Outstanding Branches

In the same vein as step #1, it’s a good idea to make sure any overhanging branches from trees near the house, are taken care of BEFORE they pose a problem. When snow hits, they’re likely to knock those branches down. And when that happens, you’re just chancing damage to those shingles or tiles. Get those branches taken care of ahead of time; if this is out of your skill level or comfort zone, get a professional tree service to do it for you.

Check Roof Flashing

Flashing is perhaps the most common areas of the roof for leaks to occur (except for under damaged shingles, of course). Be sure to give all your flashing (and other joints) on the roof a thorough, close inspection long before the bad weather hits. If you see gaps or breaks in the seal, you’ll want to get them repaired ASAP; you may be able to do small areas of the roof yourself, but larger fixes may require professional attention.

Check Those Roof Shingles

Hopefully, you thoroughly checked your roof shingles back in the summer for any signs of damage or wear, but now’s your chance to do it one more time before winter sets in. Look for any cracked or curled shingles, which are prime spots for leaks to occur. Also remember that cold weather is often a cause of damage to shingles, as they will contract and curl – and then break – in very cold weather.


If your roof is showing signs of cracked or damage shingles, there’s still time to get it taken care of. You can likely do some small repairs yourself, if you have typical asphalt shingles. If you need to reroof large areas of the roof, you’re likely better off getting help from a well reviewed installer.

Check the Insulation For Leakage

This step requires some digging around your attic but can have a huge impact on the overall quality and state of your roof (and home) come winter. Take a cursory look at the insulation up there in the attic, and see if it needs to be replaced; bad insulation can have an absolutely huge effect on your heating bills, and taking some time and a bit of effort to get things squared away before winter’s onset can pay off huge.

Don’t forget to read this guide on how to know if you should replace your roof!

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