Healthy Hacks – 7 Simple Ways to Cook Healthier Food Everyday

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In today’s ultra-busy world, it is easy to slip into poor eating habits. Healthy eating seems like hard work, even more so because of all the conflicting advice. FODMAPS, Paleo diet, detoxes, shakes, superfoods; how do you figure out what to pop in your shopping trolley?

healthier food

However, eating well doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are seven tips on how you can cook healthier food every day:

Use Less Oil

Using oil to line the base of your pan during cooking can add 45 calories per teaspoon to your meal, so cutting this out will immediately have a health benefit! High-quality cookware with a non-stick or ceramic coating significantly reduces the need for oil. The coating allows food to slide right off the surface. Plus, you will save time on washing up!

Aim for at Least 50% Fruit and Vegetables at Every Meal

Fruit and vegetables are packed full of nutrition. They will fill you up while giving you essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including a healthy dose of fruit and vegetables with every meal will reduce your risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Different fruit and vegetables deliver different antioxidants, so an easy trick is to make sure you fill your trolley and your plate with a rainbow of colors – don’t just stick to pumpkin, sweet potato, and carrot! Try to eat what is in season to ensure that it is as fresh and flavorsome as possible.

healthy food

Throw In Some Nuts

Research has linked nuts to heart health. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. They are also packed full of high levels of “good fat” and can help to lower blood cholesterol.  Look for ways to incorporate nuts into your diet every day. They make the perfect snack. Or, use them to add texture to a stir fry or stew.

healthier food

Dial Down the Salt

Most people include way too much salt in their diet. With a few easy tricks, you can reduce your daily intake. Start by taking the salt off the table. Cut down on sauces; barbeque, tomato and soy sauce are packed full of sodium. Processed foods are another no-no. As mentioned above, seasonal produce is full of flavor so should help stave off those cravings for salt.

healthy food

Go Whole Grain

There is a common misconception that a healthy diet involves cutting grains out almost entirely. Steer clear of the white food group – white rice, potatoes, white bread – and incorporate whole grains like quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice. These foods give you fiber and protein to assist with digestion and keep you feeling full for longer.

healthy food

Switch to Low-Fat Dairy

Dairy provides your body with essential vitamins like calcium, vitamins A, D, B6 and B2, and zinc, but it also contains high levels of saturated fat. Switching to the low-fat version of your favorite milk, cheese, and yogurt delivers the benefits of these essential nutrients without the artery-clogging lipids. Keep an eye on the sugar content; some brands use sugar to make their low-fat options tastier.

Pump Up the flavor

The more you enjoy your meal, the less likely you are to be craving sweet snacks straight afterward. So, don’t stint on flavor. By using garlic, onions, and herbs, you can give your meals an extra zing that will satisfy your taste buds.

healthy food

There, that doesn’t seem so hard, does it? Make these simple changes, and you will be amazed at how much better you feel!

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