How Much Should I Expect To Pay A Builder For A Renovation?

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This is an interesting question that many people ask me when I start working on an interior design project for them.Ā 

However, it is almost impossible to give them an answer straight away, as this figure depends on so many factors.

The Problem

The real issue is that every home is different; this will affect the amount and types of renovations that need doing and the cost. It is impossible to give a definitive answer to the question of how much should you expect to pay a builder for a renovation.


Instead, you need to consider these points and this will help you discover the right price:

Labor Hire

There are plenty of firms which offer skilled tradeā€™s people to help you with all or part of your project. You can click here to find out more.

This is a great way of approaching your renovation if you are happy to do a large chunk of the work yourself and simply get the professionals in as and when needed.


If this is the case then your renovation costs could be calculated by looking at the hourly rate of these tradesā€™ people and estimating the number of hours youā€™ll need them for.

Donā€™t forget to add half your figure again; this will ensure you are overestimating not under.


The next step is to consider the renovations youā€™ll be undertaking and what materials will be needed.

For instance, a new kitchen will mean cupboards and worktops. But you may also need appliances, a variety of fittings to improve access in the cupboards and even splashbacks, tiles, paint, and flooring.

cost of renovation

You can list the materials for each room or stage of your renovation and then use an online supplier to estimate the cost of them. Again, it is really hard to estimate (if not almost impossible) the exact amount of “raw materials” – plaster, tile glue, paint, etc. My builders always add around 10-15% to this calculation just to be on the safe side.Ā 

Again, it is advisable to err on the side of caution and overestimate.Ā 


Planning Issues

You should also note whether you need any planning permission for your intended renovations. It is advisable to check with your local authority.

If the answer is yes then youā€™ll have to allow for the costs and time it takes to apply and get approval.

You may also need professional help with the planning process.

planning permission


The outside of your home is as important as the inside. Youā€™ll want it to look nice as you arrive on a daily basis.

It is important to consider this and what needs improving so that you can factor it into your renovation calculations.

house exterior

Check Your Property

Finally, it is a good idea to look round your property for any signs of structural damage or damp. You can even get a professional survey done to check if there are any facilities under the land which may need to be accessed.

Once you have all the information together youā€™ll know the approximate value of your renovation and can start sorting out your finances.

Of course, you can simply ask professionals to give you a quote for everything. If you opt for this route then get at least 3 quotes to ensure you’re being given a fair price.

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