Simple Steps To Feel More Confident In Your Own Skin

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A 2020 survey found that almost 60% of Americans don’t feel confident in their own skin. Many of us have hang-ups about the way we look and it can be difficult to build confidence and self-esteem. If you long to be more confident, here are some simple steps that will make a big difference. 

Take good care of your skin

Taking good care of your skin can help to enhance skin health, slow the aging process and make you feel more confident when you look in the mirror. The skin is the largest organ in the body and it plays a critical role in protecting the internal organs. In the age of social media, edited and enhanced images and the selfie, we have become obsessed with flawless skin. In reality, very few people have a perfect complexion, but there are lots of ways to nourish and look after your skin. Start with a daily skincare routine, which includes cleansing twice a day, removing makeup, using serums and moisturizing. Exfoliate once a week and choose products that suit your skin type. Always use sun creams or lotions when you’re going outside on a bright, warm day and avoid the midday sun. The powerful UV rays can damage the skin and cause visible signs of aging. 

To boost your confidence, it’s also a brilliant idea to explore skincare products and treatments and treat yourself to a pamper session from time to time. You can buy DIY spa treatments to use at home or take advantage of professional treatments. Examples range from facials and body wraps to non-surgical aesthetic therapies, which soften lines and wrinkles. You could also investigate cutting-edge treatments for your body, such as laser hair removal from Infinity Laser Spa. Many people feel more comfortable in their own skin when they’ve got smooth legs and armpits. Laser hair removal eliminates the need to shave or wax frequently and it can help to make people who are conscious of their body hair feel more confident. If you have skin issues, or you’re looking to target a specific problem or concern, seek expert advice, undertake research and explore your options. 


As a society, we tend to be fixated on exercise as a means of losing weight. It is true that working out more can help you lose weight if you’re eating healthily, but there are so many more benefits to being active. Exercise makes you feel good. When you’re moving your body, the levels of dopamine and serotonin in your brain increase and your body releases endorphins, which are commonly known as happy hormones. Regular exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety and it can help you to manage your emotions and clear your mind. Working out can also help you to become more confident about the way you look. If you’re conscious about your tummy, or you’d like to gain weight and add more muscle definition, for example, you can follow tailored plans or try specific activities to burn fat, gain muscle or enhance your shape. 

Another confidence-boosting advantage of exercise is that it provides opportunities to achieve targets and meet new people. If you set yourself goals and you succeed, you’ll feel amazing. You can also use sports and active pursuits to expand your social circle and make new friends. Many people find that socializing and having close friends boosts their confidence and well-being. 

Recognize your strengths and unique qualities

Most of us are programmed to zone in on flaws and focus on imperfections or weaknesses. If you put yourself down, or you’re always thinking about what you don’t like about your face or body, this can affect your mental health. Try to adjust your mindset and concentrate on the positives. Despite what you may think when you scroll through social media or flick through glossy magazine campaigns, nobody is perfect and very few people are 100% happy with their looks. Recognize your strengths and unique qualities. Often, our ‘flaws’ are what other people love most about us. 

Avoid making comparisons

It is human nature to compete and compare. Sadly, making comparisons with others can often leave us feeling deflated and worthless. If you’re somebody who struggles with their confidence because you’re constantly thinking about what other people look like or what they’re doing in their lives, try to avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that social media is a filtered snapshot of real life. 

Embrace self-care

Self-care is a concept that centers on looking after yourself. There are endless ways to make yourself feel good and take care of your body and mind. From journaling, going for walks in the fresh air, getting an early night after a busy day and treating yourself to a spa session to painting your nails, following a healthy eating plan and taking up a hobby, it’s hugely beneficial to embrace self-care. Prioritize your physical and mental health and devote more time to things or people who make you happy. Try to gain a better understanding of what makes you tick and identify triggers. Limit exposure to situations or people that make you feel anxious, upset or uneasy. 

Be kinder to yourself

Most of us would like to think of ourselves as kind people. We go out of the way to make our friends feel good or to cheer family members up if they’re feeling low. It’s fantastic to be kind to others, but it’s also really important to be kind to yourself. Don’t put yourself down or apply too much pressure. Talk to yourself in the same way as you would speak to the people you love most. 

Low confidence is a very common problem. If you wish you were more confident, there are steps you can take to boost self-esteem and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Look after yourself, prioritize mental and physical health and try to be kind to yourself. Take good care of your skin, eat well, exercise regularly and treat yourself from time to time. Avoid making comparisons, remember that nobody is perfect and be proactive in making self-care part of your routine. 

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