How To Create The Ideal Home Office 

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Do you have the option to work from home? Maybe you are working remotely every day – or most days? If so, you probably already know that sitting on your couch with your computer on your lap is not the ideal solution. While it might be a decent way to work for a few hours, several days in this position could affect both your back and your motivation.

For this reason, many make sure to create their own little home office. This allows for better working conditions which can benefit you in several ways, both mentally and physically. But creating the ideal environment to work from home requires you to pay attention to a few key choices.

Make space for plenty of lighting

If you place your desk in a corner or if you choose a rather dark room, you might find your eyes straining. This can lead to anything from drowsiness and headaches to a decrease in productivity. Therefore, good lighting is key. 

Make sure to take the placement of any windows in the room into account, as natural lighting is great. However, rainy and cloudy days as well as the winter, can bring a limited amount of sunlight. A solution to this can be to add a ceiling light to brighten the entire room. A floor lamp can also be a great source of light. Furthermore, a desk lamp can add just the right amount of light where you need it. 

home office

Invest in a comfortable and adjustable chair

A chair is not just a chair. When it comes to working, whether you are sitting in front of a computer or writing in a notebook, a chair with good lumbar support is important. Not only will this allow for a better working position, but it can also limit potential backaches or strains on your joints. 

If you enjoy sitting in several different positions, an adjustable chair is also a great investment. This way, you can change the settings of the chair to fit your current favourite sitting position. It also adds more freedom to your work style. If you prefer one way of sitting while researching and another way of sitting while writing emails, an adjustable chair allows for these adjustments with no problems. Additionally, this is a great solution if several different people in your household wish to use the same computer or home office space.

home office

Take your personal needs into consideration

Do you have a hard time concentrating after sitting down for too long? Maybe you get back pain from staying in the same position for too long. If you are pregnant, sitting down for long periods of time can also be tough. If any of this sounds familiar to you, you might be interested in purchasing a height-adjustable standing desk, which can function as a normal desk but also allow you to stand up. Simply stretching your legs and creating some blood flow can even help improve your productivity and help you avoid any aches and pains.

For some, especially those who tend to get distracted easily, another great asset to add to your home office is a way to move while being in front of your desk. This can be by investing in an under-desk treadmill, so you can walk at a steady pace while attending meetings or writing emails. You can also go for an under-desk stepper, which takes less space but still allows you to move your feet and legs while working.

Creating a space which takes your needs into consideration ensures that you have a home office ideally designed for you. This way, you can even experience an increased ability to focus or even increased productivity throughout the day.

Create a comfortable space

Your home office is exactly that – yours. This means that you are fully able to decorate the room in a way which inspires you or makes you feel the most at ease. Do you enjoy having a bookcase nearby for storing books or notes easily? Are you a fan of being surrounded by many plants? Maybe a colourful rug adds just the right feeling for you to feel comfortable? 

home office

Whatever you prefer, decorating your home office has no right or wrong solutions. Whatever fits your style, makes you happy, and allows you to be productive at home is a good choice. So feel free to add paintings, a comfortable lounge chair, a stuffed animal, or an extra monitor. This is your space, and you should feel as content as possible while using your home office space – whether for working, hanging out, or doing creative projects.

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