How to Make a Digital Scrapbook – 6 Tips

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We’re living in a digital world, so why don’t we give the good old scrapbooks a new life and take this kind of art into another dimension? It has always been so much fun, but just imagine the opportunities the current technologies give us – they opened entirely new horizons for DIY makers.

Wonder what a digital scrapbook is like? It’s a creative craft with the use of scanned photos, graphics, clippings, decorative elements, and so on. There’s no need to buy constantly lacking supplies, and best of all, you and your desk stay clean as you’re not using any glue and glitter anymore. You can design them for any occasion, but here are the most popular types of scrapbooks:

  • travel scrapbook;
  • wedding scrapbook;
  • couple, or romantic scrapbook; 
  • scrapbook for the baby shower;
  • friendship scrapbook;
  • Christmas scrapbook, etc.

So you’re a die-hard fan of DIY who is eager to create a digital scrapbook but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ll share 6 tips that will help you design stunning scrapbooks. Let’s get right to them. 

  1. Think of the concept. Before uploading all the pictures you have on your laptop, give yourself a minute to consider the concept of your scrapbook. If you can’t come up with any ideas yet, find inspiration on the Internet – look for reference pictures on Pinterest or other similar websites. Don’t be afraid of experiments – digital scrapbooking lets you unlock your creativity and make any of your ideas a reality.
  2. Prepare the media files. Now that you have a certain idea in mind, you can easily pick the photos you need for the scrapbook. First, scan the printed ones so that you won’t have to waste your time while creating your design. Then import other digital pictures and scans into one folder. 
  1. Add a caption. Without your notes, your design is going to look like a simple photo collage, so don’t hesitate to add a few captions. In the tangible scrapbooks, you could only use your own handwriting, but now you can try a countless number of text styles – classic, futuristic, comic, minimalist, and so on. Just make sure the font fits the style and idea of your scrapbook. 
  1. Use animation to funk it up. Don’t forget about the juicy part – once you add all the necessary files, you can breathe life into the scrapbook using all kinds of animation. For example, you can use transition effects to make it look like turning pages – just like in paper scrapbooks. It’s also a good idea to animate the photos as well – make still images float, jump, rotate, or move any way you want.
  2. Consider the sharing platform. The content of your digital scrapbook is important, but the way you share it also makes a huge difference. Once you finish designing, you will see a list of abbreviations for the file formats, most of which you’ll never use. To choose the right one, decide on the platform for sharing the scrapbook. If you’re going to post it on social media, save the design as an MP4 video or as a PNG or JPEG picture. To send it via email, it is better to export the scrapbook as a PDF.
  1. Pick an app for scrapbooking. The quality of your scrapbook, the number of animation effects, and text styles all depend on the program you choose. We don’t recommend using advanced software for professional video or photo editing. Instead, go for a scrapbook maker that has an intuitive interface and a big library of ready-to-use templates, clipart, and stickers. SmartSHOW 3D is one of such apps, and here’s how to create a digital scrapbook in this user-friendly program. 

This is all you need to know about how to make a digital scrapbook. We hope the tips we gave you in this post will help with your artwork. Don’t think about the right way to do it, though – there are no rules in scrapbooking. As in any other kind of hobby, the main point is to have some fun while creating something meaningful to you. Now it’s time to put your creative ideas into your first digital scrapbook and share it with your family and friends. 

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