How Covid-19 Has Influenced Mental Health of Students: The Consequences We Have Now

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The success of students depends on their mental well-being. Mental disorder can affect their concentration, motivation, and social interactions. Since its outbreak in 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic has spread fast in many countries in the world. Some countries are experiencing the third or the second wave. The pandemic has brought about worry and fear among students. It has also led to stigma, financial loss, boredom, and frustration. The uncertainties and rapid spread created a source of stress leading to a health crisis.


Many students across the US reported experiencing mental health problems. Covid-19 outbreak has been challenging for them. This has been the case for high school and university students. Many have suffered stress, anxiety, and depression. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual students experienced higher rates of stress. 

Some sought mental support to cope with the consequences of the pandemic. This included counseling and treatment for substance abuse. More girls than boys received healthcare through telemedicine. The disruptions to socializing and schooling have created a “youth mental health crisis.” More teens are experiencing distress up to today. Public health professionals had taken note of mental health problems before the pandemic. 

Same time, every student in college or university has to continue with their work. Writing essays and assignments can be so overwhelming. With mental challenges as a result of the pandemic, students can find help with their thesis and buy dissertation service. The students don’t have to worry about continuing with their education. With the help, they can improve their academic grades and learn the pros of studying. Professional writers offer writing help on any course so they can enjoy being in school. 

Mental health disorders among teens need treatment or intervention. Such disorders may interfere with the ability of learners. This hampers their ability to meet academic goals. Some may not adhere to treatment, so their condition can become more severe. Mental health specialists can collaborate with parents and educators to manage different conditions. 

Social isolation 

As per public health experts, social isolation is an effective way to mitigate the spread of the virus. Academic staff and university students had to maintain social distance. They were also to avoid public events, family gatherings, and community activities. Many are yet to recover from the consequences of social isolation. 

People are social beings and it is natural. They have to interact in different relationships. Social disconnections among students could create a sense of loneliness. Social isolation could lead to accelerated cognitive decline and impaired executive function. It could also lead to impaired immunity and poor cardiovascular function. The risk of social isolation is almost like that of smoking and obesity. 

Lack of encouragement from friends and family causes them to get into unhealthy habits. It raises stress levels and affects the sleep pattern, which is harmful to the body. According to health experts, loneliness increases the chances of dementia among the youth. 

Loneliness sets in when someone is dealing with a lack of family support. Loneliness can lead to stress and negatively affect the immune system. 

The first step to addressing the problem of loneliness is to enhance social support. Cognitive-behavioral therapy could empower students to deal with negative thoughts. Engaging parents and teachers in social groups can cause positive mental health effects. This may reduce feelings of loneliness among students.  

Anxiety disorders 

People with anxiety disorders are often fearful. They experience sweating and rapid heartbeat. This is what many of them have been going through during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has raised concerns of increasing anxiety and widespread panic. Many universities and colleges started adopting different learning modes. This led to further anxiety about the coping mechanisms. 

Anxiety and nervousness in schools lead to mental trauma among the students. The frequent exposure to media causes distress, affecting learning abilities. There is a lot of uncertainty about the nature of the virus, and this leads to anxiety disorders. Students have been experiencing high levels of anxiety. It is about their ability to complete their studies.

There is also increased tension on whether they will secure jobs after graduating. Not forgetting the fear of sickness or death of a family member. They are facing helplessness and uncertainty. The crisis has resulted in mental health challenges. It is more among learners, regardless of their backgrounds. The productivity of students has dropped as a result of the stresses. The universities and colleges are doing their best to ensure that learning continues.  


Depression creates sad feelings and makes a person irritable. It also creates a sense of hopelessness, low self-worth, and poor concentration. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many students lost interest in their favorite activities. Others have experienced disrupted sleep, fatigue, low energy levels, and changes in appetite.

Family stress is a major source of depression among students. The level of depression and stress has an impact on students’ concentration. The higher the level of depression, the lower the academic performance. Colleges and universities have opportunities to support learners’ psychological well-being.

During the pandemic, the students lacked support for their emotional well-being. Teachers and parents are giving little consideration to the students’ psychological needs. This is accelerating the levels of stress and depression. 

The postponement of exams and excessive use of the internet are another two reasons. They have affected the psychological well-being of students. Gender, level of education, and age contribute to different levels of depression. Lockdown shuttered the expectation of many students. Students continue to suffer from a social distance, and so they develop depression. Notable signs of depression among students include:

  • Crying often
  • Sudden anger
  • Irritability
  • Change in behavior
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Frequent absence from school
  • Lack of concentration 

Depression as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected students’ social development. Teens are displaying worry, clinginess, and in some cases, substance abuse. Withdrawal has had a great impact on students’ relationships. Some are unable to relate well with their teachers and parents. 

Suicidal intent and ideation 

According to mental health experts, suicidal ideation is a mental health emergency. The rate of suicidal ideation among students has gone up due to the pandemic. Many students are experiencing doubt, frustration, and stress. Such experiences bring students to a place of contemplating suicide.

Some young people consider themselves a burden to others. They may feel like they have no reason to live or talk about being trapped. Other signs of suicidal intent and ideation could manifest in different moods. Some people become anxious while others encounter humiliation.

Quarantine and social distancing measures are associated with loneliness. This may be a risk factor for thoughts of suicide. During the pandemic, self-harm may increase among students of all ages. This is due to minimal social interaction and feelings of anxiety. Vulnerable people have been experiencing suicidal ideation or self-harm.  

Problems of substance abuse 

High school and college students have faced the challenges of substance abuse during the pandemic. During the pandemic, many cities had to impose restrictions to curb the infections. People could not access sports events, theatres, and restaurants. When schools closed, this created diverse problems in society.

The social restrictions resulted in unexpected consequences among the youth. These include financial loss of parents and disrupted academic progress. To date, the pandemic has led to a sense of loneliness due to long-term isolation. During the pandemic, poorly planned and inconsistent responses have become common. Among the worst are drug and substance abuse.

Anxiety, suicidal ideation, and clinical depression have contributed to increased rates of substance abuse. In 2020, the number of American students engaging in drug and substance abuse increased at a rapid speed. This trend has been on the rise since then. Individuals result in substance abuse as a way of coping with anxiety and stress. 

The frequency and the quantity of drug usage have been rising. Some young people might have resulted in new drugs if they were unable to access their favorite. As the pandemic-related stress increases, the ways of managing it become limited. For instance, social interactions and physical activities are limited. So, individuals turn to the use of drugs. 

For students living alone, isolation prevents more serious risks. Earlier on, it was challenging for individuals to seek medical attention in case of overdose. Since physicians have been focusing on virus treatment, substance victims have been unable to find help. 

Some notable signs of substance abuse among students include:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Engaging in risky behavior such as fights and sex
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Withdrawal from friends and family members 

Has anxiety and depression affected academic performance? 

Mental health plays an important role in students’ performance. Anxiety and depression are common obstacles that influence performance. Many teens and children are living with undiagnosed levels of anxiety and depression. The mental health of students with anxiety disorders is at risk. This leads to behavioral and social problems. Some students may neglect personal hygiene and become unable to study. 

Anxiety and depression affect students’ diet, sleep, social interactions, self-esteem, and academic performance. Students with such mental disorders cannot engage in classroom and extracurricular activities. 

They exhibit poor relationships with teachers and their peers. Anxiety and depression affect their working memory. So it becomes challenging to retain new information. They cannot recall what they learned previously. Mental health disorders negatively impact academic progress and lead to underachievement. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, some students have had inconsistent academic results. The unpredictable behavior is a sign of anxiety and depression as a result of the pandemic. The behavioral inconsistency leaves the individual feeling frustrated. They are often not sure of what to do. 

Depressed students are more likely to avoid classroom activities. Some may miss class or go to seek medical attention during a presentation or a quiz. This could be a sign of anxiety disorder. It could affect academic performance greatly. 

Students battling mental disorders may be unable to concentrate. They fail to pay attention in class. Their physical well-being could also be at risk. All these factors play a role in the students’ academic performance. Anxious students may interpret many situations as threatening or dangerous. The mental capacity of a person experiencing depression often processes worrisome thoughts. This affects their learning abilities. 

Way forward

The future of the Covid-19 pandemic is still unknown. Teachers and parents have a role to play in dealing with mental challenges among students. Teachers should act as tutors, counselors, disciplinarians, and more. School systems have resources to help in dealing with students’ mental challenges.

Teachers can learn more about the symptoms of mental disorders. They should encourage good mental health and create a good learning environment. There is a relationship between mental health and academic performance. A student dealing with mental health challenges may not take part fully in class. 

Teachers can create awareness and become culturally sensitive to help the affected students. They need to work with students and their families. They must give students the necessary support. A flexible classroom culture may help students with mental health problems.

Learners must be equipped with problem-solving skills. They should get help to set goals. It is a good way to respond to health disorders. Teachers can give students accommodations such as assigned volunteer assistants. They can also get private feedback about academic performance. 

Helping the students to understand their self-worth is a great way to deal with mental challenges. Teachers should know the symptoms of mental problems. They should seek help from psychologists or counselors. In case of traumatic or troubling events, they can offer crisis counseling. 

Teachers may not be experts in mental health, but they can provide support to students. Learning institutions should focus on educating teachers. They need to differentiate between mental challenges and bad behavior. Working with parents is a good way to encourage students. It motivates them to continue learning during the pandemic.  


Mental health has been a problem even before the Covid-19 outbreak. Yet, the pandemic has influenced the mental health of students in many ways. It has led to social isolation, anxiety disorders, and depression. It has also led to suicidal thoughts and problems of substance abuse. These mental challenges have negatively affected the students’ academic performance. Learning institutions need to have good systems. They should help students cope with the mental health challenges. 

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