Not a Homeowner Yet? Here Are 7 Dog Breeds That Don’t Mind Apartment Living

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Many people think they need a home to own a dog. But dogs can have happy, healthy lives in apartments too. That said, not all dogs are suitable for apartment life. Here are some dog breeds that do well in smaller spaces.

Labrador Retrievers

If you are looking for dogs that don’t mind apartment living, consider looking into local options for lab puppies for sale.

Labradors can be energetic and need at least one walk a day. But like many dogs, Labradors are crepuscular and are naturally active at the beginning and end of the day.

Provided you give them one thorough walk a day or arrange for a neighbor or dog walker to take them out, Labrador Retrievers can live happy apartment-based lives.

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are also excellent dogs that don’t mind apartment living. Their size makes them particularly well-suited to apartment living.

In addition to being small, these dogs are affectionate and loyal companions. They are also playful, and one tip for apartment owners considering a Miniature Schnauzer is to stock up on toys.

While not high-maintenance dogs, the density and length of a Miniature Schnauzer’s coat mean that they benefit from an occasional trim to prevent their coats from matting.


Greyhounds are another large dog that doesn’t mind apartment living. This surprises prospective dog owners since greyhounds have a reputation for boundless energy.

But Greyhounds are gentle giants who are content to sleep through the day.

That said, you will need to walk your Greyhound so they can burn off some of that infamous energy. A run before work is an excellent way to ensure your Greyhound sleeps through your work day.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are ideal for apartment living. They are sweet, calm dogs whose temperament ensures they won’t bark all day when you go out. They’re also small dogs, so they don’t need as much space to run around in as their more prominent canine contemporaries.

However, like many terriers, the Boston Terrier comes from the noble dog tradition of ratting.

That means that while they won’t bark, a bored Boston Terrier may chew their way through your furniture to keep themselves occupied. To prevent this, ensure your Boston Terrier has a healthy selection of:

  • Balls 
  • Chew Toys 
  • Puzzle toys 

Integrating independent play into your Boston Terrier’s training will ensure your dog enjoys non-destructive freedom without becoming bored while working.

Basset Hound

These long-eared dogs also don’t mind apartment living. They love nothing better than a good, long nap, so one walk a day is more than enough exercise for a Basset.

However, they’re prone to drool, so it may not be possible to have immaculate furniture and a Basset Hound.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are calm, affectionate dogs that do well in apartments, not least because personal space is anathema to them. The Spaniels love nothing more than to snuggle as close to their loved ones as possible.

Since Spaniels like to have someone to lavish attention on, they may benefit from a dog sitter or walker who can entertain them while you are out.


Finally, the Pekinese is another dog that doesn’t mind apartment living. They’re small, soft-spoken, and they enjoy their own company. While they are devoted to their humans, they can be fiercely independent, too.

Before you go

Apartments can be excellent places for you and your dog to live.

As you search for the dog that’s right for you, consider:

  • Exercise needs
  • Independence
  • How much the dog barks

You’ll soon find a dog that thrives in an apartment space and doesn’t bother your neighbors. 

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