Healthy Human Foods Dogs Can’t Eat

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A dog is not only a pet; very often, it is a member of the family. If that’s your case, no wonder that you want your four-legged best friend to stay in good shape – especially if you try to lead a healthy lifestyle yourself. Therefore, you probably exercise with your dog, taking it for long walks or runs, and research various dog food brands, such as Earthborn Holistic or Simply Nourish dog food, to find the most nutritious products.

It may also be tempting to share your carefully prepared meals with your Fido. After all, what can happen if you only eat nutritious, highly beneficial foods, right? Unfortunately, many foods that bring numerous advantages to human health may not be as advantageous to dogs – some may even be poisonous.

Keep reading to discover which healthy human foods you shouldn’t share with your furry best friend.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are among the best alternatives for unhealthy snacks. They are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, providing people with energy and beneficial nutrients when eaten with moderation. However, they also contain toxic compounds that, when consumed by dogs, can lead to kidney failure and eventually, death.


Of course, sweet and processed chocolates are generally unhealthy, but dark and unsweetened cocoa powder or baker’s chocolate can support your heart, teeth, skin, and brain health, as well as decrease inflammation. Unfortunately, it also contains theobromine and caffeine that are difficult (or sometimes impossible) for dogs to metabolize. Funnily enough, the better the chocolate product is for you, the more toxic it is for your dog. Eating even small amounts of any kind of chocolate or other cocoa products can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, which may lead to muscle tremors, internal bleeding, seizures, and death.

Macadamia Nuts

Just like other nuts, macadamia nuts can help you (among other things) maintain your skin looking young, reduce heart issues risk, support brain health, digestion, and blood sugar levels. But you should never feed them to your dog. Nutritionists and food scientists are not sure what causes it, but eating even small amounts of these nuts can result in severe issues in dogs, such as muscle weakness, vomiting, tremors, hyperthermia, and depression. Additionally, they are also high in fats, which are not toxic to dogs but may increase the risk of pancreatitis.


Onions are often recommended to people struggling with a variety of health issues, and it’s not a surprise, as they are packed with numerous nutrients that are highly beneficial to our health. However, when given to a dog, they can damage its red blood cells, which leads to a shortage of oxygen throughout its body. It’s all because of a compound called N-propyl disulfide, which can eventually cause anemia. Its symptoms include weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, and fainting. In more severe cases, your dog will need a blood transfusion.


Avocado has become one of the favorite foods of those following a healthy lifestyle these days, as it’s not only delicious and versatile but also highly nutritious. It contains more potassium than a banana, supports heart health, lowers cholesterol and is packed with fiber, among other things. But when consumed by dogs, it may cause fluid accumulation in lungs and chest, leading to breathing problems, lack of oxygen, and even death. All that because of a little compound called persin which is incredibly toxic to dogs. What’s more, it’s present in all parts of avocados, so make sure to keep your dog away from them.


Garlic can not only contribute to every meal’s incredible taste, but it also contains a long list of medicinal properties that may keep you in good health. Sadly, just like in the case of onions or avocados, you mustn’t allow any dogs to eat garlic. It contains thiosulfates that, just like the compound in onions, may damage dogs’ red blood cells and cause anemia; it may also result in vomiting and diarrhea.

Anything with Caffeine

In moderate amounts, caffeine can bring many benefits to your overall health and mood, but it’s not the same for dogs. Apart from chocolate, they can’t eat anything else that may contain caffeine (e.g., tea), as it is not safe for dogs’ nervous system. Consuming caffeine may cause hyperactivity, elevated heart rate, digestive system problems, seizures, tremors, lung failure, and heart issues. Even a small amount can be fatal, so keep your dog away from anything with caffeine.

Final Thoughts

Of course, there are some human foods that are safe for dogs to eat, but it’s better to avoid them altogether as much as you can, unless your veterinarian or nutritionist recommends otherwise. There’s nothing wrong with feeding your dog a piece of cold watermelon to provide hydration during hot days, but in general, you should stick to dog foods. It would be best to consult it with your vet, who knows your dog and its individual problems and needs. This will allow you to establish the most suitable diet and follow it without the need to worry. Only then can you be sure that you provide your dog with everything it needs to live a long and happy life with you.

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