Simple Tips to Prevent Nightmares Whenever You Sleep

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The vital function which enough quality sleep plays in our physical and mental well-being has long been agreed upon by experts and yet still there is a significant proportion of people who regularly do not get enough sleep. Sleep helps with mental and cognitive function, healing, immunity and maintaining overall good health. A lot of people have just accepted that they will never get a good night’s sleep and so do not take the correct steps to change the situation. One reason why people often fail to sleep well is because they have bad dreams. Not only does this lead to all the physical issues that sleep deprivation causes but it can also be very emotionally distressing.


To help everyone who regularly has bad dreams, here are some simple tips to prevent nightmares whenever you sleep.

1. Relax Before Bedtime

Creating the right pre-sleep routine is absolutely key for getting your mind and your body in the right state to fall asleep and stay asleep. Develop a relaxing routine which begins at least an hour before you plan to sleep which can help to calm both your mind and body. The first mistake that many people make is watching TV or playing on their phone or tablet whilst they are in bed, but the mental overstimulation and the blue light which is omitted by screens can have serious effects on how well you sleep. Nightmares often occur when you are sleep-deprived or when your sleep is regularly interrupted and both of these can occur when you spend too much time on your gadgets before sleep. Avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime, take a hot bath, read a book or meditate so when it is time for sleep, you will be relaxed and emotionally positive.

2. Set Up a Comfortable Bedroom

Another very important factor for getting enough sleep and preventing nightmares is how comfortable your bedroom is. The right lighting and temperature are both very important in creating the right environment but the single most important aspect of your room is your bed. The experts at explain that having the right pillow is vital as it will support your head and neck properly which will ensure you stay asleep and dream peacefully. Adjustable pillows have been a revolution as they enable you to change the fillings to suit your own needs and preferences. Some people prefer hard pillows whilst others like a softer option and so with an adjustable pillow you won’t have to shop around to find the perfect one, you can just make it yourself.


3. Avoid Scary Movies, Books and TV Shows

There are so many people who love watching scary things or reading spooky stories, and whilst they can be very entertaining and exciting, they can also lead to more nightmares. Our brains are very sensitive and so if you overstimulate your brain with scary images and ideas, there is an increased chance that it will create its own whilst you are sleeping. Especially if you are prone to nightmares, then it may be best to just avoid these kinds of media altogether. If you just can’t live without your horror fix, try to only watch them in the morning so that your brain has enough time to disassociate from them by the time you go to sleep.

4. Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine

Alcohol, nicotine and other chemicals have various, well established effects on our bodies and brains, and few of them are positive. Alcohol and nicotine can both dehydrate you which will affect how easily you fall asleep and how likely you are to stay asleep uninterrupted throughout the night. As noted above, nightmares often occur when your sleep is regularly interrupted and so you should always avoid alcohol and nicotine before bedtime. As well as causing nightmares, nicotine and alcohol can lead to sleep apnea which can be a very debilitating condition and which affects many people around the world. There are countless reasons to quit alcohol and nicotine, and better sleep with fewer nightmares is just one of them.

Frequent nightmares can be really stressful and can take a massive toll on your life. If not addressed effectively, this problem can develop into a nightmare disorder which often leads to major mental and emotional issues. Many people with nightmare disorders are afraid of going to sleep altogether and can end up getting sick or run down due to a lack of sleep. If you suffer from regular nightmares, follow this guide and it will help you to solve the problem.

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