How to Easily Remove Your Dog’s Shedding

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Dogs are wonderful companions with beautiful coats of fluffy fur. However, when the shedding season comes, many breeds of dog can cause a real mess in your house. During shedding times, you can find their hair all over your home, from your sofa to your carpets, and especially on your clothing after cuddles. Fortunately for many dog owners, dogs who live indoors are less likely to have major fluctuations in their levels of coat thickness, so indoor dogs shed evenly throughout the year rather than shedding heavily during different seasons. Aside from the living environment, other factors such as the dog’s breed, stress levels, diet, medical conditions, and grooming habits can greatly influence how much a dog sheds.  

dog’s shedding

Dealing with a dog’s shedding is a part of being a dog owner, and we all have different ways to address the issue. There are many deshedding tools and hair removal solutions available for pet owners to choose from. 

Here are ways to easily remove your dog’s shedding from your home, clothing, and furniture.   

Rubber Gloves and Water 

Carpets and sofas are places where dog hair tends to appear. If you want to clean a small, carpeted area, using rubber gloves and water is an inexpensive and effective way to make your small carpet or sofa free of dog hair. Simply wear a pair of slightly damp rubber gloves and effortlessly swipe your hand over the area to collect hair. 

Vacuum Cleaner

Unlike a small area of carpet or sofa, using rubber gloves to physically collect pet hair from larger areas can be difficult and take a lot of time. There are some excellent, specially designed vacuums for cleaning pet hair that you can use, which makes the job a whole lot easier. When choosing a pet vacuum, look out for performance, ease of use, quality, and price. Hair is notoriously tricky to vacuum up and can also clog up a vacuum, and so pet vacuums are consciously developed to help pet owners to keep their homes clean. These vacuums are perfect if you have a dog, cat, or even a thick furred rabbit.

Deshedding Gloves

Deshedding gloves are one of the most effective grooming tools when it comes to dealing with pet hair. You can simply pet your dog while wearing the gloves to give your dog a shiny coat of fur whilst at the same time, removing stray hair. This makes the job of dealing with shedding pleasurable for both you and your dog.

Lint Rollers

When it comes to everyday hair removal tools, lint rollers are among the most effective. Lint rollers are inexpensive and super easy to use. Simply roll the lint roller over the hair, and it will stick to the paper, which you can then tear off and throw away. The only downside with lint rollers is that they cannot remove pet hair from large areas effectively, but they are very useful for small areas such as your clothes or a small blanket as well as small fabric surfaces. 

Anti-Shedding Shampoo

Bathing time is not only helpful for your dog regarding hygiene reasons, but it also removes a lot of dead hair from your dog’s coat. Nowadays, there are many good-quality shampoos and conditioners that contain moisturizers to strengthen your dog’s follicles as well, which will reduce the amount of hair they shed. Try to bathe your dog regularly and have a proper grooming routine to reduce shedding. 


Brushing is a simple way to minimize and control how your dog sheds. It is important to make sure that you brush your dog thoroughly after bathing to remove a stray hair. Brushing can effectively prevent loose hair from being shed after bathing, which can then be spread all over your house. Aside from bath time, you can incorporate regular brushing into your routine to actively remove hair and control your dog’s shedding. Depending on your dog’s breed and coat, there are different types of brushes to choose from, including bristle brushes, slicker brushes, combs, and wire-pin brushes. 

dog’s shedding

If your dog sheds excessively, try to use one or more of our recommendations to help control and minimize the shedding. While brushing and bathing your dog, it is further recommended to perform a quick check-up on your dog regarding parasites and dry skin or other skin conditions that might need to be professionally examined by a veterinarian. Remember that grooming time is not only for keeping your dog healthy and your home free of pet hair, grooming time is also a wonderful opportunity for you and your dog to bond. As pet hair and hair removal are two facts of life for dog lovers, use our tips to overcome these minor inconveniences, and enjoy the companionship of your lovely four-legged friends. 

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