3 Things That Will Make Your House Move Less Stressful

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Moving house is a notoriously stressful process, from the worries that start when you put your house up for sale, through to planning the move itself. Many people rank moving house as one of life’s most stressful events. Moving house does not need to leave you feeling stressed out if you use Service Market. While there will always be some aspects of your house move that you cannot control, there will also be plenty that you can take charge of to make your life far easier, and a lot less stressful.

Calculations from the US Census Bureau suggest that the average American will move home more than 11 times in their lifetime. So, if you are going to get that many house moves under your belt, it would undoubtedly be useful to know how to make them as stress-free as possible! Whether you have a house move coming up, or you are planning to relocate sometime in the future, you should find these handy hints help to make your move a more pleasant experience:

Use a Removals Company

Trying to move by yourself is an incredibly stressful process, and can be a lot harder than it first sounds. Even with a friend or two to help you, it can still be an incredibly challenging task to move the entire contents of a home to a new location. If you want to make your life easier, and also want your stuff to all arrive at your new home in one piece, it is a wise idea to search for dependable movers to help you. 

A removals company spends each day helping to make life easier for property dwellers by efficiently transporting their belongings to a new location. Moving companies know the best way to pack the truck, and how to protect furniture and other items from becoming damaged in transit, so have the experience needed to make your move run smoothly and help you to get into your new property faster. As anyone that has ever moved house before can testify, it is incredibly exhausting and can leave you feeling stiff and sore for days afterwards. Using the services of a reliable moving company will ensure that you have none of these hassles. If you are moving across the country (or any similarly long distance) then you should be aware that there are long distance movers who specialize in these kinds of moves. It is well worth it to hire these specialists as they are best able to keep your things safe and get the job done in a timely manner.

Start Packing Early

One thing that is guaranteed to get you feeling panicked before your move is leaving the packing to the last minute. Packing up a house always takes longer than expected, as we all seem to underestimate how much stuff we have in our homes. Starting with your packing early will help to ease the pressure of the move, and prevent any late nights hurriedly packing up items into the early hours.

If you start by packing non-essential items such as decorative pieces and ornaments, then you can begin your packing pretty early, as you are unlikely to need these before you move. Try to pack as much as you can, but ensure that you don’t pack essential items, as you don’t want to spend the coming weeks rummaging through boxes to find items that you need.

Pack with Care

Another good reason to start your packing early is to ensure that you have the time to do it properly. Carefully packing up your belongings in a logical way takes time, so be prepared to take your time to get everything packed away safely. Although it takes effort to pack your items carefully, it is well worth it to make sure that everything gets to its destination in one piece. You certainly don’t want to start unpacking your boxes in your new home to find that each one contains broken glass and china. 

When packing your boxes, be sure to check the weight of them before you seal them up. Boxes that are overfilled and heavy are more likely to break open, and may also weigh too much to lift. 

Try to pack items for each room together where possible. Doing this will make unpacking so much easier and reduce the need for you to carry boxes from room to room. Once you have finished packing boxes, make sure that you seal them carefully to prevent them from coming open. Don’t forget to label each box clearly with the name of the room that you want it to be put in your new home; this will allow the movers to take it straight to the room for you.

Planning helps to make your move far less stressful and allows you to focus on the exciting new chapter that you have ahead.

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