Seven Best Cold Pressed Juices to Boost your Energy and Immunity

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Regardless of the season, your immune system could always use an extra boost. After all, it serves on the front line to keep your body safe from infections. But all that internal work can leave you feeling worn out. That’s why it’s also essential to keep your energy up whenever possible.

But accomplishing both goals at once can be tough. Taking vitamins in pill form might do the job, but that can get expensive fast. Besides, getting your energy levels up without sugar or caffeine is a challenge in its own right.

So, what are you to do? Well, you could reach for a hearty glass of homemade juice. This is a quick and easy way to get your daily dosage of essential nutrients. Each of the juices listed below will also fill you with energy and boost your immune system naturally.

A slow cold-press juice maker remains the best way to achieve the most benefits from your juice. So, be sure to use one while trying out these simple juice mixes at home!

1. Orange and Grapefruit

Notable Nutrients

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc

This is an excellent juice mix to start your day. Like regular OJ, the oranges in this mix pack a high dose of vitamin C. That will help boost your immune system throughout your busy day. The vitamin B-6 in this mixture serves a similar role while also supporting your nervous system. If you think you’re coming down with a cold, the zinc in this mix will also be a significant plus.

When it comes to energy, you’ll notice that you’re more awake after a glass of smoothie or juice. That’s because its vitamin A content helps you absorb more energy from the rest of your balanced breakfast. This juices tart flavor is sure to pick you up as much as coffee, too!

2. Watermelon

Notable Nutrients

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

This juice may feel simple…but that’s because it is! All you have to do is juice some watermelon, and you’ll have a simple drink to enjoy all day. Given its water content, you’ll find yourself well hydrated after each glass. Proper hydration always improves personal energy levels, after all. The vitamin A in this drink will help on that front, too.

Meanwhile, this simple drink will ensure you get an immune boost when you need it most. In just one glass, you’ll get part of your daily dose of vitamin C and magnesium. You’ll also get more zinc in this drink than most regular diet foods. That can help fight off any illness already in your system.

3. Beet, Carrot, Ginger, and Turmeric

Notable Nutrients

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Calcium

This is a popular recipe because it packs so much into even a small glass of juice. To start, this mix contains vitamin A. That nutrient can help raise your energy levels by properly converting calories in your regular diet. Then, other nutrients in the combination can help you recover from illness faster. This includes vitamin E and iron. They act as an antioxidant and promote new blood production, respectively.

4. Beet, Carrot, Banana, Orange, Ginger, Lemon

Notable Nutrients

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Iron

Though similar to the previous recipe, this mix has a few key differences. First, its flavor is entirely different due to its inclusion of citrus fruits. Second, those citrus fruits give this mix a far higher dose of vitamin C. 

Third, this combination contains potassium, which is essential for keeping your body’s energy at its peak. Without potassium in your diet, your body’s electric impulses may slow down. This can leave you feeling more tired, even before a long workday is done.

5. Lychee, Peach, Coconut Water

Notable Nutrients

  • Calcium
  • Electrolytes 

Here’s a new unique mix that even some experience at-home juice makers have likely never tried. If you haven’t, then you’re missing out. This mix is surprisingly refreshing and can help fill you with quick energy. That’s because it contains electrolytes, which can help energize your cells in short order. This mixes a dose of calcium is also impressive and rivals even that of milk.

6. Grapefruit, Kiwi

Notable Nutrients

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C

This is another great juice recipe to complement your morning meal. As always, it’s good to give your immune system a morning boost. The vitamin C in this mix will make that happen. It’ll save you the time of eating a whole grapefruit, too.

Meanwhile, the calcium in this mix plays a surprising role. At this dosage level, it can impact your energy levels. To be specific, it will help your muscles contract more efficiently. So, if you work on your feet all day, this juice is for you.

7. Oranges, Almond, Sweet Potato, Apple

Notable Nutrients

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Electrolytes

Though its flavor is unique, you might call this mix “nature’s Gatorade.” That’s because it will energize you like no other. Specifically, this mix will give you a healthy dose of calcium and electrolytes. These will help improve your muscle’s performance and provide them with fuel all at once.

Meanwhile, vitamin C and potassium in this mix will treat your immune system well. Both can support short-term immune support, which can be key before traveling.

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