A Secret to Cat Litter Smell-Free Home

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Cats have been companions of ours in the home ever since we first domesticated them thousands of years ago due to their prowess at catching rodents. Many cats are outdoor animals, though due to the rise of city living many of us now keep house cats that are not allowed outside. This means that we have had to train them to go to the toilet in the house and unfortunately their litter trays leave an unpleasant odour. If this sounds like the situation that you are in, then read on, as here we will look at the best ways to keep your home from smelling of cat litter.

Clean the litter tray daily

The best place to start when trying to eliminate the smell of a cat litter tray is to clean the tray on a daily basis. You may be thinking that this will be an extremely costly exercise as not all of the litter will have been used, so the best way to combat this is to buy a smaller tray and then you will use less litter. It is not the actual litter tray that smells, but the faeces, so by removing it you have the best chance of your home being free of the nasty odours that cat litter can bring.

Choose the right litter

After being fastidious with your cleaning the next most important thing is the type of litter that you buy as there are many different products on the market. Adam, a self-proclaimed crazy cat man at FelineLiving.net, advises that litter can be made out of many materials from clay to stones to wood, and even wheat, so it is advisable to try out all the different options so that you can find one that your cat is comfortable with, and that doesn’t react to their remains. Cats are often stuck in their ways so this process could take a while, but the results are worth the wait, as you will no longer have to put up with a pongy litter tray. 

Add baking soda

Not many people will have thought of adding baking soda to their cat’s litter tray, but actually it really does work wonders because effectively it acts as a natural deodorant! It is non-toxic so you don’t have to worry about causing harm to your favourite furry friend, and it will soak up all the nasty smells that cat urine produces, leaving your utility room smelling of your laundry, just as it always used to. 

Change your cat’s diet

Sometimes the reason that your cat’s litter tray smells so bad is down to their diet. Every cat likes a different type of food and often they will refuse to eat anything other than their favourite brand. If you are feeding them something cheap with indiscernible meat, this could be the reason why their litter tray smells so bad. Talk to your vet they may have some inside knowledge about the brand you are using, or they may be able to suggest an alternative that will lead to less smelly faeces. 

Do not use sprays or aerosols

No matter how bad the smell of your cat’s litter tray, do not be tempted to try and mask it with deodorant or another type of spray. Cat’s do not like human smells at the best of times, so even if the litter tray smells great to you, it could actually be dangerous to your pet due to the chemicals found in many over the counter sprays. Furthermore, it will probably put your cat off using the tray and you may well find that they find other areas of your house to defecate such as in pot plants, and this is the last thing you want, so resist any temptation to mask the smell with something artificial. 

Use a filter

It is perfectly possible to add a product like charcoal to the litter tray in order to filter the smell. Charcoal is naturally abundant and is completely harmless to cats. It will also act as a soak so that the noxious odours are contained in the charcoal rather than released throughout your house, and as long as you replace the charcoal on a regular basis you can effectively eliminate the litter box smell from your home.

As we have learned there are many ways to keeping your home free of the bad odours associated with cat litter trays. Make sure you regularly replace the litter and consider changing the type you use if you find that it isn’t working for you. Similarly, you may want to consider changing your cat’s diet, but remember, never try and mask any odours with an artificial smell or you will put your cat off. 

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