Five Ways to Make It Through the Day When You Don’t Look Forward to Going to Work

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You aren’t alone if you don’t really enjoy your job. It can be difficult to find the perfect fit for you, which means you’ll find yourself with multiple jobs that you don’t necessarily look forward to when your alarm goes off in the morning. Whether you’re dealing with a tough, but temporary, time at work, or you dream of never having to go to work again, these tips will help you make it through the day with a positive attitude.


Find Someone to Talk To

Venting can go a long way towards feeling better about having to go to work, no matter what challenges you’re dealing with. Talking about annoying coworkers, tough projects, and impossible supervisors with friends and family can be a great way to blow off some steam. It can be especially helpful if you speak to a trusted coworker who understands exactly what you’re talking about.

Talking to a therapist can be helpful as well. They can help you understand your frustrations from a new perspective, and they can help you come up with creative ways to solve your problems. Just make sure you take your time to find the right therapist. You don’t want your therapist to cause more problems than they solve.

Identify the Problem

You know you dislike going to work, but do you know exactly what it is that’s bothering you? It may be worth your time to sit down and make a list of all the things that you don’t like about your job. Then, create another column with possible solutions.

Once you’ve had a chance to think about your problems and possible solutions, you may discover that solving at least one or two of your annoyances is within your power. Consider speaking with your boss about the problems you’ve uncovered and share the solutions you’ve come up with. If nothing else, they will be impressed with your interest in making the office a better place to work.

Look for the Positives

Even if there are a lot of things you don’t like about your job, there are likely some things you do like, even if you have to get a little bit creative when figuring out what those things are.

For example, you may have really great benefits. You can take a moment to appreciate the fact that you’re worried about an annoying coworker and not how much it will cost if you have to go to the doctor thanks to your good health insurance policy.

At the very least, you can take a moment to be thankful that you even have a job. Knowing that you can afford a place to live, food to eat, or that you can support your family can provide you with a new appreciation for a job that bothers you.

Create a Plan to Get a New Job

If you’re really struggling to get out of bed, it may be worth your time to start searching for a job while you still have one. You’re actually much more likely to find the perfect position when you aren’t desperate to take the first job that is offered. Use this as an opportunity to get picky about the next job you apply for an accept.

Even if you’re just annoyed with your job temporarily and you aren’t really serious about finding a new one, doing an online search can still be helpful. It can feel good to know that there are many other options that are available to you, should you decide that you’re ready to step into a different position.

Cultivate a Full Life Outside of Work

It’s true that you spend a lot of time at work, but you also spend a lot of time outside of work. If you make the most of your time when you aren’t at the office, you may find that going to work isn’t so bad.

If you really want to make the most of your free time, it means you have to find things to do besides watching TV. That includes things like:

  • Joining a group or recreational sport
  • Taking a class, like a cooking class
  • Going out with friends
  • Catching up with family
  • Getting some exercise
  • Finding a craft you love
  • Doing something you’ve always wanted to do, like write a book

We don’t all enjoy going to work all the time. When it comes to those days that you’d rather stay in bed, see if these tips don’t help you see the sunnier side of a rough day.

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