6 Tips To Create A Relaxing Bedroom Space

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Our bedrooms are one of the most important rooms in the house; these are the spaces where we recharge our batteries from the stresses of the world. The issue is, bedrooms are often neglected when it comes to interior design. We often tend to prioritize the kitchen, or the bathroom remodel first. Luckily, you don’t need to give your bedroom a big revamp to make it feel relaxing. To create a calming space, just try these six simple tips.

Calm colours

When you are designing your bedroom space, it’s best to choose calming colours as opposed to those that are overly bold or bright. Go for whites, creams, pale blues or greens to create an atmosphere of serenity. Use eco-friendly paint so that you are not releasing harsh chemicals into your room. Using calm colours will ensure that you provide yourself with the ideal conditions to relax, whether reading a book or napping.

The perfect bed

For a relaxing bedroom, the perfect bed is crucial. Invest in something grand and luxurious, from the frame to the mattress and the pillows, keep it high-end for the most comfortable experience and the best night’s sleep. Memory foam mattresses are a worthwhile purchase, as these offer the ideal support for your back while adapting to your sleeping position and body type. Duvets made from duck or goose feathers make for the softest and most relaxing sleep. Larger pillows are perfect to provide both maximum comfort and style too. If you are prone to anxiety, why not try a weighted blanket, and see if this works for you? Weighted blankets are currently all the rage for those who struggle to get a decent night’s rest.


Indoor plants

Plants and flowers are a beautiful way to give your bedroom a nice calming feel. When we are around plants and nature, our endorphin levels rise, and we feel both happy and peaceful. Plants are also an excellent way to cleanse your indoor air of harmful toxins. One of the best plants to have in the bedroom is a Peace Lily, these remove substances such as chloride plus help you to sleep by releasing oxygen at night. Aloe Vera is another great choice for the bedroom, helping to control the quality of the air by removing ammonia and xylene. To keep the decor elegant, choose two or three plants at most.


Feng Shui

In the Chinese language, Feng refers to ‘wind’ and Shui refers to water. 

Feng Shui is a philosophy and a practice which considers how to live in harmony with the natural world. The idea is that life is perfect when our built environments complement our natural environments. Feng Shui books commonly discuss how to arrange our homes to attract health, wealth and happiness. To get in touch with your spiritual side, try incorporating Feng Shui philosophy into your bedroom design. Once you’ve learnt the basics, you can use Feng Shui all throughout your home!


Candles & incense 

For the ultimate calming experience, the right scents are essential. Aromatherapy teaches us that different smells have therapeutic properties for our bodies and minds both. There’s lavender for easing anxiety or ylang-ylang for encouraging happiness and joy. To create a soothing energy in your bedroom, choose scents which help you personally to feel at ease. It’s best to choose soy or vegetable wax candles, for the most healthy and eco-friendly product. While you are at it, upgrade your laundry detergent for fresher smelling laundry. With an array of lovely scents in your bedroom, you’ll be sure to feel super chilled.

Keep it minimal

If your bedroom space is cluttered and messy, you’ll likely find it difficult to relax and sleep. To prevent the issue, declutter your room and keep the decor minimal. When your bedroom is tidy and spacious, you’ll feel more at ease when you are spending time here. Keep only the items that you need and do not be tempted to use the wardrobe as a dumping ground for clutter. Go through your wardrobe and donate the items that you no longer wear to a second-hand store.

If you are struggling with sleep issues, try taking some supplements to ease your predicament. Valerian root is an excellent sleep aid to try half an hour before bed. As with all-natural supplements, Valerian can interact with prescription medications, so be sure to check with your doctor beforehand. Beyond this, apps like Calm can be beneficial to help you relax before you go to bed.

Images – Anna Kovalchenko

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