Why Do Your Clothes Smell Bad After A Wash?

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You’ve got your favorite clothes in the wash, and you’re eager for them to be out and dried. There’s a big event coming up, and you want to look your best. So, it’s very frustrating when you pick up your freshly cleaned clothes, only for them to absolutely stink. 

Why does this happen?! The whole point of washing your clothes is to make them smell nice. It seems like it shouldn’t be possible, but it’s actually very common. Normally, there are obvious reasons behind this. It’s all to do with how you wash and dry your clothes…

clothes smell

Your washing machine is too full

Stuffing your washing machine full of clothes can make them smell bad. Why? Because you don’t give them enough room to move around. This is what helps your clothes get clean in the washing machine! When there are too many items all packed in together, then there’s almost no room to breathe. This leads to all the clothes merging together and combining lots of weird scents. Fill your machine up to three-quarters of the way max!

You leave your clothes in the washer for too long

Hands up if you remove your clothes from the washer straight away? Most of us don’t, which is why our clothes smell strange. Here, the issue is damp. When your clothes lie in a wet pile, the moisture soaks in as it has nowhere to go. The result is a nasty damp smell that doesn’t go away. You’ll most likely need to put another wash on straight away, so remove your clothes as soon as the cycle is over. 

Your dryer is faulty

Sometimes, the cleaning process is fine, but the drying process lets you down. If your clothes smell funky or burnt, then it might be down to a faulty dryer. There are many common problems that occur due to a lack of maintenance – primarily involving the lint filter. Thankfully, you can find parts to fix your dryer online, so you can solve the problems. When your dryer is back in tip-top shape, then you shouldn’t see any further issues. Also, as a bonus, avoid drying on excessively high temperatures. Not only does this shrink your clothes, but it also causes that slightly burned smell to reel its ugly head. 

Your washer hasn’t been washed

Washing machines need to be cleaned as well! Otherwise, mildew and other gross things can form inside the drum. It’s very easy to clean your washer, you just need some wipes and baking soda. Wipe down the inside of your machine after every use to ensure it stays clean. Then, once a month, put some baking soda inside with an empty load. Turn the washer on – making sure you select a hot water setting – and it will clean itself. This will keep your clothes fresh by ensuring your washer doesn’t stink them up. 

Smelly clothes can be a problem as you need to wash the same item two or three times before the smell comes out. If your issues stem from washing your clothes, then these tips will help you keep everything clean and delicious!

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