Camping With a Baby: First Time Tips for Parents

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Having a baby doesn’t have to mean avoiding doing the things that you love. If you have always enjoyed camping then you might be interested in taking them with you. But doing for the first time can be daunting. 

Yes, you’ll have to make a few changes to your normal routine to get as much out of it as possible, but there are plenty of things that you can do to make your first camping experience with a baby a real success. 

Practice sleeping in a tent at home

You don’t want to be sleeping in a tent for the first time when you are actually at a campsite and find out that your baby actually has real trouble adapting to sleeping in this environment. It is vital that you get your little one used to sleeping outside of their bedroom. So, set up the tent in the garden and trial it.

Make sure that your child understands that the tent is a place for sleeping, not playing. This makes them naturally associate getting into the tent as a time when they’ll need to sleep. 

Make a list of the things you’ll need

It is important to have everything with you if you want to make the most of your trip – and this is especially important if you are bringing an infant with you. The easiest way to ensure that you don’t forget anything is to make a list of everything that you are going to need. That way you can tick them off as you pack to make sure it is with you.

It is a great idea to pack a lot more than you think you are going to need during your trip. Don’t plan for the best-case scenario, assume that things will go wrong every day and you’ll need extra baby formula, nappies, and wipes. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to preparing what you are taking.

This might seem like overkill, but you don’t want to have to lose half a day of your camping trip trying to find a supermarket to pick up the nappies you have forgotten to bring. 

Don’t go too far

It is also a great idea to keep things pretty simple when you plan your trip. Don’t add to your baby’s discomfort with a six-hour car journey to the campsite. Pick a campsite that you are familiar with that isn’t a long journey from your home. It can be very stressful and frustrating finding yourself in a place that you don’t know if things aren’t going according to plan. 

Staying close by means that if worst comes to worst, you can at least return home sooner than expected and re-evaluate for next time. 

Pack more than you think you’ll need

It is a great idea to pack a lot more than you think you are going to need during your trip. Don’t plan for the best-case scenario, assume that things will go wrong every day and you’ll need extra nappies and wipes. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to preparing what you are taking.

Ensure your baby clothes are comfortable

Think about it – you wouldn’t on holiday with uncomfortable clothes, and this needs to be a standard that you apply to your baby to. If you dress them uncomfortably, they will let you know about it and it has the potential to make your trip a lot more challenging.

“We have found that children have different preferences when it comes to clothes and their materials,” says, Head Buyer at children’s clothing specialists Childsplay Clothing “some parents dress their children in cotton, others prefer materials mixed with elastane or polyester. It comes down to establishing what your child feels comfortable in”. 

Bring favorite toys

Your baby or toddler will naturally feel more comfortable and secure if they are given familiar toys during the trip. Children often feel safer with what they know, so take anything from home that they regularly play with or ask for. 

Relax and have a good time

Remember that this is supposed to be a fun holiday for you too – it’s not all about the baby. Try to be as relaxed as possible through the trip; it doesn’t need to be perfect, just remember that this is your first time and you are taking steps to get your child used to traveling. It will pay dividends when you want to go on longer trips further from home. 

Choose a campsite that has great facilities and plan for activities that you will enjoy as much as your child will.

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