Six Signs It is Time to Replace Your Roof

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Many homeowners and business owners fail to notice warning signs about their roof until something goes disastrously wrong. A roof does more than protect against elements; it is a key component for maintaining building health. Realizing that there are a few missing shingles outside or water damage on the inside might even be too late, so it’s best to be prepared ahead of the obvious warning signs. It’s time to replace your roof.


If you think you need a complete replacement, call a professional for help immediately. But first, get familiar with the 6 signs that tell you to replace your roof.

It Looks Old

If it has asphalt shingles, then it has a twenty to thirty-year lifespan. If you are not sure how old your roof is, a professional roofer can inspect and advise on where you stand. It is possible to extend its lifespan through residential or commercial roof coatings, which is a coating rolled directly on top to prevent leaks and other issues.

Many Missing Shingles

A shingle or two missing in action is not something to replace a roof over. It would help to replace those few shingles, but not the whole thing. After a while, it might start to look like a checkerboard as shingles start to go missing. At this point, a replacement is probably necessary.

Shingles are Curling

Shingles are designed to protect, but they cannot do that if they are warped from too much snow or rain. Shingles can cup (outwards) or curl (inwards) if there is too much moisture in your attic. Ideally, these protective features need to lay flat to protect the exterior and prevent leaks.

Exceptionally High Energy Bills

Have your cooling and heating bills gone through the roof? This is a sign your roof is not performing optimally or efficiently. It can be a result of an attic that is not ventilated or insulated well enough to prevent escaping energy. If you need to ground your energy bills, consider roof replacement to bring it back to reality.

Ice Dams in the Winter

If there are ice dams or large icicles clinging to your roof, these can be signs that insulation in the attic is permitting heat to escape. This escape creates moisture that freezes, causing wood rot, leaks, or damaged gutters. The ice damage can cause huge problems for the home, so a complete replacement is a great alternative to these other concerns.

Interior Water Damage

If you start to notice discoloration of the ceilings, it might point to a larger issue of a leaky roof. As water works its way into the home, it follows gravity to travel through insulation and can even affect internal wiring. Persistent leaks, ceiling discoloration, or other signs of moisture can be the red flag of roof replacement.

Time for Something New

Roof replacement is a big deal and should only be tackled by professionals when it is time. Of course, you may just be itching for something new and ready for a new roof. This might mean a new color shingle, metal roofing of a commercial site, or something else.


A common change people are looking for these days is a switch to solar panel roofing to promote sustainability in everyday practices. Solar energy can replace the use of fossil fuels and is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners and commercial sites alike. If you are ready for a more sustainable roofing option, it might be time to replace your roof with a sunnier option.

Bottom Line

These are just a few signs that indicate a roof might need replacing and is by no means an exhaustive list. A roof is essential to the structure and safety of a home, so always consult certified expert roofers if you need advice. It is always exciting to explore new options, so if it is time for a new roof, make sure you are covered by the best.

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