End Sleepless Nights With These Natural Insomnia Remedies

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Sleep comes naturally to a lot of people; the minute their head hits the pillow, and then they’re gone, drifting away to relax and recharge. However, if you’re not part of the lucky few, you might find more sleepless nights than you would care for. Whether you suffer from long-term or short-term insomnia, finding a good night’s sleep is necessary but hard to come by. 

Insomnia and its Impact 

According to a Harvard study and the CDC, insomnia affects 1 in 4 adults, while the National Sleep Foundation claims that around 30% of Americans suffer from disrupted sleep or insomnia. Insomnia is your inability to fall asleep easily, and it can become a serious condition or sleep disorder if not treated correctly. When not treated, it will cause the person a myriad of health issues like severe fatigue, a weakened immune system, and decreased motor function. It can also contribute negatively to your mental and emotional well-being as well as increase your blood pressure and leave you at risk for diabetes and heart disease. 

Skip on the Sleeping Pills 

Many people deal with insomnia in many ways; however, it’s not entirely advised to resort to pharmaceutical methods like sleeping aids and pills. Many healthcare professionals believe that these sleeping pills are only a temporary fix, and you’re not dealing with the true root of insomnia. They can also cause you a number of negative effects like dizziness, headaches, disorientation, and many others. Over time, you might even build up a tolerance in relation to these sedatives, and their effect wears off. When that happens, it’s best to avoid upping the dose and move to natural remedies instead. 

Natural Insomnia Remedies 

Natural remedies have proven far more beneficial than any sleeping pill on the planet. And the good news is that these remedies are vast and various, meaning you won’t build a tolerance to any of them, and if you do, you can just move on to the next remedy. 

Here are some natural insomnia remedies worth trying: 

Upgrade Your Bed

Believe it or not, a worn out and uncomfortable bed can disrupt a good night’s sleep drastically. When you sleep, you need to be able to sleep somewhere super comfortable, and there are many ways to make your bed inviting. This way, a well-maintained bed can promote a good sleep cycle. For starters, you need to find a decent mattress that will enhance your sleeping patterns. You can find more information here on the best mattresses for 2019 to give you this dream bed you’ve been looking for. You can also invest in cozy comforters, a great pillow, and a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets have the power to reduce insomnia and calm your nervous system down, thus promoting better sleep. 

Take Herbal Remedies 

Clinical studies have shown that drinking or ingesting herbal remedies has encouraged a good night’s sleep. For example, Lavender oil has shown to improve moods, lowers anxiety levels, and promote better sleep. You can take lavender oil capsules, drink lavender tea, use the oil in an aromatherapy diffuser, or even take a lavender bath. Valerian root is a medicinal herb that was proven to be sedating for those who suffer from insomnia. Whether you drink its tea or take oral capsules, it will improve your sleep cycle. Lemon Balm is also known to reduce anxiety and calm the nervous system down and enhance your ability to sleep. Meanwhile, chamomile tea has been used for decades to enhance sleep during the night and reduce anxiety. 

natural insomnia remedies


Mindfulness meditation is often recommended to those who suffer from anxiety-induced insomnia. When you’re unable to shut off your brain yourself, and it’s clouded with thoughts that are keeping you up, it’s best to tune them out and clear your mind before you sleep. Studies have shown that as little as a 15-minute meditation session each night, has promoted better sleep among insomnia sufferers. Consider using a guide at first, especially if you have trouble concentrating. Many apps and online guides have the ability to guide you as a beginner through audio, music, and guided meditation. There are many other types of relaxation techniques and mediations that relax the body and the mind. 

natural insomnia remedies

Lifestyle Changes 

Certain lifestyle changes can be done throughout your day that will dramatically promote better sleep during the night. For starters, avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages or consuming sugary drinks or desserts late at night. These will give you a burst of energy and you won’t be able to fall asleep. Make sure that your surroundings are tranquil enough for a good night’s sleep; make the room dark and consider using a white noise machine to flush out any anxious thoughts. Don’t use electronics in the bedroom before bedtime; avoid watching TV or browsing through your phone. Studies have shown that the electronic ‘blue light’ tricks the mind in thinking you should be awake. 

Insomnia is a serious condition when not treated correctly. Many healthcare professionals always aim at promoting natural remedies to treat insomnia. Consider the aforementioned remedies, and don’t give up when one doesn’t work. Try and try again until you find a remedy that you’re most comfortable with.

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